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Nanotechnology Applications Are Shaping A Better Future

Nanotechnology applications have become an integral part of shaping our everyday life, so much so that it’s changing the course of humanity.

Microchips and electronic transistors have been around for over 70 years, getting smaller and less expensive as time goes on. According to, to continue this shrinking trend nanotechnology is making leaps into the future by attempting even smaller proportions, on a nanometer scale.

A nanometer is so small it can hardly be measured, one billionth of a meter in size to be exact, and involves manipulating individual atoms to create working nanoscale devices. Shrinking a device can affect its performance so perfecting this technology is key to ensuring we can all benefit from its properties.

Nanotechnology applications making a bold difference
As nanotechnology progresses, it’s benefits are already being felt right across the globe, and in many different sectors. Here are six keys areas in which nanotechnology is making a bold difference:

  • Wearable fitness technology

Gives us the ability to monitor health and fitness through wearable technology. The healthcare industry is taking advantage of these devices to help pinpoint problems within patients through the data collected. The latest proposals in this area consist of wearable tattoos or even being injected with sensors to deliver valuable information from inside our bodies.

  • Medical nanobots

Robots or electronic devices that interfere with our body signals to control organ function are already here. Micro-motor powered nanobots recently delivered a nano-particle compound directly into the gut tissue of a live mouse to demonstrate it’s potential.

  • Sensors

Sensors are becoming crucial to monitoring, alerting, protecting and defending sensitive assets. Sensor technology has got so small that it can now be printed on strips of plastic, which can be rolled out over large areas to protect and monitor sensitive sites.

  • Self-healing

Nanotechnology is being used to alter the structure of materials at the nano-scale level, making them susceptible to water, for example. This is being taken one step further by the development of technologies that can self-heal. Damage to spacecraft in flight can be fixed quite quickly by the self-healing properties of a certain form of nanotechnology.

  • Big data benefits

The data that all the above-mentioned technologies will omit needs to be collated and assessed somehow. Therefore, providing solutions to help manage, aid or prevent their effects is important. Nanotechnology is helping to create extremely dense memory capabilities that allow super-sized storage capabilities to tackle this.

  • Environmental benefits

Nanotechnologies can be used to capture energy from the environment. For example, capture and store energy from movement, lights, temperature variations and other sources with high conversion efficiency.

Nanotechnology is key to not only shaping the future of humanity, but also improving and securing it too. The benefits of this technology are mind-boggling and endless, and the quicker it develops the better our future will become.

Fix The Friendly Skies, NO FORCE Airline Policy

The United Airlines attack on Dr. David Dao made it clear that U.S. airlines have a problem. A big one, especially when it comes to airline policy. They run their business so badly that they rarely make a profit, even while shifting every bit of pain and inconvenience onto their paying customers.

There was a time when flying was a pleasant experience, these days it is more like universal torture.

Nonetheless, while we can complain about ridiculously small, repulsively ugly dirty seats, rude attendants, absurdly poor on-time records, and the list could go on, the fact remains that the attack on Dr. Dao United crossed a line. For whatever reason, Americans were willing to tolerate the unmitigated misery that has become normal with air travel. But, physical violence on passengers is one bridge too far.

It’s time for airline passengers to fight back and demand minimal standards of conduct from the airline industry.

We’re making the bold call for a “No Force” airline policy.

There is absolutely no situation that justifies an airline using force to remove a well-behaved customer from their paid seat. A No Force airline policy will make it clear that violence against passengers is never an option.

And if airlines are prohibited from the threat and/or use of force, they might be realize that many of their problems are of their own making. They may even become proactive about addressing problems, rather than waiting for legislation that forces them to maintain minimum standards.

According to U.S. Department of Transportation’s Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings, United Airlines had 346,230 voluntary bumps during the 5 year period 2012-2016 and 42,569 involuntary bumps. Involuntary bumps are not a rare occurrence for United. It has the highest involuntary bump rate (aka forcibly removed) of the major airlines. It also has one of the highest voluntary bump rates in the industry.  United simply oversells its flights more aggressively than the other airlines. Management is responsible for this aggressive policy and should take responsibility for the shameful treatment of Dr. Dao.  We know who the culprits are:  It was not Dr. Dao, It was not the United staff on plane, It was United management!

US Airlines - Passengers Denied Boarding
There were around 552,000 passengers bumped, voluntarily and involuntarily, in 2015 by all airlines. That was over 1500 passengers a day that airlines must change the travel plans of their customers.[1] This is an industry problem. A root cause of the Dr. Dao incident is the over aggressive selling of more tickets than seats for flights. Customers deserve more respect.  We are recommending also a change in booking policies set by airline top management. In other industries this would be a violation of contract and airlines would have to pay damages. Not in the airline industry.

Customers are expected to comply with every letter and detail, to be on time for their flights, to avoid making changes to their flight plans and schedules. Any change or deviation will cost dearly. The fees charged for changing a flight typically exceed the cost of the flight. Yet, airlines routinely cancel and delay flights. This is about power, unequal power. The airlines have reached the point where they think they can get away with anything.

Passengers waiting on plane
Overbooking passengers is a common practice.

There was nothing to prevent United from offering to pay passengers to take a different flight. There were almost certainly a few people on that plane who would have given up their seat for a few hundred dollars and perhaps an upgrade on the next available flight.

This past week’s announcement by Delta Airlines, shows the industry is moving towards a no force commitment. They announced that they would now compensate up to $10,000 to passengers to voluntarily give up their seat. Here is a Bold prediction:  Delta will see a dramatic drop of involuntarily passenger bumps; possibly to 0!

It’s a simple matter of compensation. Free markets work because they rely on striking a deal that is a win-win for both sides. United wants passengers to give up their seats, all they have to do is hold an auction and wait until someone agrees. There is no need for violence and force in a free society. But United wanted to behave like a slave master, demanding goods and services in return for nothing.

We salute Dr. Dao for holding his ground and making it clear how far the airlines have deviated from civility. It’s time to demand better from the airlines, the “No Force Policy” and “Stop the Aggressive Over Booking Policy” is a good place to start.


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