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China Is Making History With Bold Infrastructure Plans

The Chinese government has launched an economic and geopolitical plan on a grand scale with its infrastructure ambitions. China is achieving this by building sustainable roads. And it’s not just a plan anymore, the famed “One Belt, One Road” project has officially started being put into action by engineers, bankers and laborers all around the world.

The project aims to extend China’s economic influence and connection with the global community. It is currently achieving this goal by investing billions of dollars in infrastructure projects. The countries involved lie across Asia, Africa and the European continent.

One of these projects is a $6 billion railway going through Laos which will eventually connect eight Asian countries. And this is only one project of many. The estimated total cost of One Belt, One Road is greater than $1 trillion.

sustainable roads for China
Sustainable roads all lead to One Belt, One Road.

Sustainable Roads to Strengthen Economic Ties with Other Countries

The Chinese strategy is to build relationships with other countries. They want to do this through investments in infrastructure. China is aware that the investments may not be financially solid, but wants to move on. It seems the world superpower is willing to go to any lengths to usher in this new age of globalized commerce, having urged its banks to open their coffers to projects that would usually not be deemed ‘sound’ because of the instability of the host countries.

“current and future generations to propel Chinese and global economic growth”

Infrastructure funding is a growing need in the world as a whole, and China has stepped in to fill this gap with strategically placed projects. As growth slows in its own infrastructure areas China has stepped out to grow further in the rest of the world.

Working together with other countries China’s president Mr Xi hopes to “involve the current and future generations to propel Chinese and global economic growth” (Cao Wenlian).

Mr Xi has invited numerous world leaders to celebrate and discuss “One Belt, One Road” at a meeting in Beijing. Among the attendees will be Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Matthew Pottinger of the United States Security Council. No doubt, therefore, that all the world’s leaders will be eager to learn more about China’s plans.

Uber Flying Cars Takes Its Future To The Skies

A bold plan will soar to the sky as Uber flying cars be released by the year 2020. The vision of Uber was presented in Elevate Summit, which is an event that involves panelists and speakers who conduct research for the use of future airspace. General aviation companies such as Bell Helicopter, Pipistrel, Mooney, Embraer, and Aurora Flight Sciences have all announced their partnerships with Uber.

“Flying cars have been promised for decades, but are arriving now. So we actually get to live in this era of flying cars. We have a lot of work to do, though. This isn’t going to be easy” according to Jeff Holden, the Chief Product Officer of Uber.

In the said event that was held in Dallas, Uber promised to present the flying cars by 2020. The very first UberAir service will be launched in 2023.

Uber flying cars is being development

Business Insider mentioned that Aurora Flight Sciences has revealed its concept for the flying taxi service of Uber, presenting the prototype of its very own electric Vertical Take-Off Landing (VTOL) aircraft at the summit.

Mark Moore, a former NASA scientist, who is now Uber’s Director of Engineering, said that “Uber is taking a big step forward toward making the world’s first VTOL network a reality and our partnership with Aurora Flight Sciences will help get us off the ground.”

“Flying cars have been promised for decades, but are arriving now. So we actually get to live in this era of flying cars. We have a lot of work to do, though. This isn’t going to be easy”

There is no word yet on what the flying cars will look like, but they essentially resemble cars with propellers with room for just one person.

The San Francisco-based company has already determined four areas around Dallas for launch and landing facilities, expecting to break ground in 2018. It plans to display flying cars in Texas, Dallas-Fort Worth, and Dubai. Uber has launched a partnership with the Transport Authority and Dubai Road in the United Arab Emirates. Local officials in Texas have promised to create the metro area, the first in the US to tour a pilot project for flying cars.

Now, Uber and many builders are working on flying cars, including Kitty Hawk, which is a startup project backed by Larry Page of Google. The transportation network company is also working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) about regulations before any of this can become a reality.

According to Wired, FAA has been very transparent to certifying new technologies. It is part of the consensus-based standards system, where the private market draws up the rules.

If the plan should be successful, Uber’s flying cars could do great things for society. The vehicle can take people pretty much anywhere. Flying cars can save time by avoiding traffic by cutting down travel across San Francisco from 30 minutes to 3 minutes.  Hopefully, these developments from Uber and other companies will lead to innovative solutions for more than just solo flights.

The idea of flying cars has already come a long way because of the fast development of drones. Uber continues its discovery of innovation, and is creating a mark when it comes to the evolution of the car.

Cuomo Sends SOS to Trump on Infrastructure Trouble

Asking the Feds for the Renovation of Penn Station is the Wrong Solution

Recently, Andrew Cuomo sent an SOS letter to Donald Trump. He pleaded with the Federal Government to allocate funds for the renovation of Penn Station. Apparently, Cuomo missed the irony of asking the Federal government to fix a problem whose responsibility lay squarely with state and local agencies.

While it is true that Penn Station is not your ordinary regional commuter station, that fact does not absolve the agencies that have mismanaged and let it fall into a state of disrepair from some responsibility. Penn Station serves 600,000 commuters daily, and as such it is the largest commuter rail station in the entire western hemisphere. Three public entities run it: Amtrak, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and New Jersey Transit.

The long and short of it is that Penn Station is old, ailing. There is a dire need for the renovation of Penn Station. Rather than come together to create a local funding mechanism, Cuomo went to Washington, hat in hand, to beg for transportation dollars. Had the 2016 election gone differently, he may have had a good chance of shifting the burden of a local station onto the backs of the entire country. As it is, commuters will continue to be frustrated by waiting times and sub-par quality facilities.

In the 1990s, there was a renovation of the Penn station to improve the appearance of its waiting and concession areas. It would also improve its façade and sharpening the stations audio and visual information systems. The 90’s renovation cost was approximately $315 million.

Private Funding is Ready and Waiting to do the Job

What is amazing in this situation is that the solution is at hand. Venture capital and private equity are searching renovation of penn station, Cuomo SOS to Trumpfor good and useful projects. Penn Station would be an absolute gem of an investment.

If Cuomo would open the door, and his mind, to a public private partnership, the money would simply pour in. And this is not a controversial pie-in-the-sky idea. Japan is famous for the quality, speed, and price of the Tokyo railway. What few know is that it is almost 100% private ownership. Even more, the ownership is by approximately 20 separate entities. But sensible regulations and cooperation makes using the Tokyo rail and subway far more seamless than most city and county transportation services in the United States.

With the right incentives, and it wouldn’t take much, Cuomo could offer the people of the Northeast to not just do the renovation of Penn Station, but a completely renovated system, just like Tokyo’s, only newer and shinier.

World Bank Stresses Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure

PPP isn’t a new-fangled idea thought up by the kooky right. It has become standard practice almost everywhere in the world. Of course, it can be done wrong, think of Russia selling off assets at pennies on the dollar, or it can be right as in the new Jordanian Airport.

PPP isn’t a new-fangled idea thought up by the kooky right

Jordan Airport? As if anyone knows or cares, right? Jordan Airport just happens to be one of the favorite talking points of World Bank President, Jim Yong Kim. The reason is that over the past few years the World Bank has gotten into the game of PPP in a big way, so big in fact that Kim says he is reluctant to do projects that cannot attract a significant amount of private funding. In the case of the Jordan Airport, the World Bank provided some seed money and laid the ground rules for how the project would be financed and managed, then private money stepped in to build the project on government granted land.

This is a win-win-win, call it a triple win. Private capital realizes a reasonable rate of return, the government of Jordan got a sorely needed airport with no cash outlay, and the people of Jordan receive a portion of revenue generated into perpetuity, which under agreement set by the World Bank, must be spent on human development and social benefit.

Kim claims that one of the most important benefits of bringing private money on board is that it helps him and the World Bank to determine the future viability of the project. If private money doesn’t see any opportunity at all, then the project may well be misguided or need to be reworked in some of its basic assumptions.

Has Andrew Cuomo Heard of the World Bank, KKR, Carlyle?

So what part of this virtuous circle has escaped Cuomo’s attention? Has he never heard of the World Bank, KKR, Carlyle? Is he aware that the World Bank, generally regarded as backward, inefficient and sclerotic has not only opened its doors to PPP, but made PPP one of its ‘make it or break’ criteria for future projects?

Carlyle, KKR and many others have infrastructure funds looking for investments.  Money is everywhere. The renovation of Penn Station is more than possible.

Cuomo seems to be afraid that the slightest move towards PPP will be met with cries of “asset stripping.” And he is probably right. But that is where he needs to dig deep, find what little courage wasn’t dissipated in sending his SOS, and take to the bully pulpit.

It is Cuomo’s job to explain to his constituents that a new day is upon us. The 19th century is over, even the 20th century is over…even China has place for private equity in their infrastructure projects. If Japan and Jordan can make it work, Penn Station can to. The renovation of Penn Station just needs careful and fast planning.

Why Cuomo Shouldn’t Rely on Trump for Infrastructure Projects

Instead of sending embarrassing pleas of desperation to Donald Trump, who also most assuredly has a deaf ear to this matter, Cuomo should reach out to private interests. My gosh, if there is any town better situated to take advantage of private equity than New York, please show it to me.

Not only is New York home to great wealth, it is also a place of tremendous local pride. It is also home to some of the most philanthropic people on earth. The fact that many don’t want to turn over even more tax dollars to the local and regional government has less to do with selfishness than with the nagging suspicion that most of that money will be poorly spent and siphoned off to any number of useless cronies.

Give New Yorkers an opportunity to invest in their transportation in an efficient, honest and transparent manner. This while also earning a small but reasonable rate of return, and they will leap at the chance.

A properly structured PPP for Penn Station would benefit all of the people of the entire region. It would be a tremendous benefit to everyone, daily commuters, i.e. working people most of all.

Cuomo needs to quit begging for hand-outs and begin structuring a PPP. It will benefit the people and citizens he has been elected to represent.  Poor infrastructure is tiring America. There is plenty of money.  We need Bold Leadership to unleash it and less finger pointing.

American Banks Bid to Unseat Bitcoin

Bold Business recently revealed the war breaking out in the Bitcoin community over how best to improve transaction processes. However, American banks are now getting in on the action. Several big banks announced that they are investing millions of dollars into developing blockchain-like technology for financial companies around the world. Bank of America, Merrill Lynch and HSBC are teaming up with Intel and dozens of other institutions to contribute $107 million to the R3 group to develop new banking technology. However, Goldman Sachs and Santander decided to pull out of funding the project in an earlier round.

“The R3 group is a collective of major banks working together to bring refined and improved distributed ledger technology to their processes, based on the blockchain,” states. They plan to take Bitcoin head on in the battle of online transactions and cryptocurrency. R3 intends to perfect its own blockchain technology, the infrastructure that supports the cryptocurrency bitcoin, which is causing headaches for industry decision-makers due to issues with transaction times.

R3 Group Takes on Bitcoin

“The R3 group is hoping their investment will deliver a similar but better blockchain-like transaction process which they claim will revolutionize banking,” Australia’s leading financial comparison website adds.

They plan to take Bitcoin head on in the battle of online transactions and cryptocurrency.

Industry sources say the first $107 million round of R3 funding will materialize soon, followed by further two rounds over the next few years.

“R3′s ultimate goal is to connect all banks within the group who will then be able to operate between different institutions,” Sources say.

However, the main concern among financial bigwigs is that there are several leading tech firms working on different distributed ledger technologies, which could mean they are not compatible with each other. Bitcoin transactions have become more time consuming and problematic of late which could turn customers off, and serious issues have arisen over the best way to deal with it. According to Business Insider, developers and stakeholders are locked in a battle over how best to scale the network, stating that “bitcoin is in crisis”.

The average time it takes to complete a bitcoin transaction is 13 minutes, and companies including Bitpay and Coinbase are increasing the cost of their administration services to cater for the antiquated and time-consuming transaction process. Experts say that if Bitcoin is to become a commercial success then these issues need to be ironed out for long-term growth. However, although the community is in full agreement that a revamp is needed, there is massive divide over what is the best course of action for an effective streamlining process.

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