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Precious Insights – Do Oil Prices Determine Gold Prices?

Over the last half-century, oil prices have seemingly paralleled fluctuations in the price of gold. Gold prices rose along with oil prices in the 1970s and 2000s. A similar direct relationship between gold prices and oil prices occurred in the 1980s and 1990s when both dropped. But what affects the price of oil and the price of gold? Some suggest oil prices drive gold’s price while others discount the relationship. By taking a closer look at these two presumed commodities, some clarity about what affects oil prices and the price of gold can help.

The Argument for Inflation

Most market analysts believe that inflation classically drives oil prices and the price of gold in the same direction…upwards. However, why this occurs is subject to debate. For those who argue that oil prices determine gold prices, the process starts with an increase in oil prices. The higher oil prices drive aggregate prices to increase (due to higher costs of production of many goods). This inflationary trend then raises the price of gold in the process. In this scenario, oil prices are the primary driver of higher gold prices.

While aggregate price effects sound appealing in linking oil and gold prices, this argument deserves a closer look. Inflation causes both oil prices and gold price to increase, but oil prices are not the main trigger. Instead, what affects the increases in oil prices and gold prices is a weaker dollar. With less buying power, more dollars (higher prices) are required to buy the same amount of oil and gold. Inflation itself rather than oil prices are what drives higher gold prices in this situation. Thus, the monetary policy in place is what affects oil prices and gold prices to a greater extent.

The Commodities Argument

From another point of view, oil prices are believed to be predictors of gold prices because they share similar traits. Both are often considered commodities because they are raw materials used to meet other fundamental needs. Oil prices and gold prices therefore move in similar directions because of supply and demand effects on commodities in general. As reserves diminish (supply), oil prices and gold prices then rise (demand). The belief is that both oil prices and gold prices move in sync because both are affected by commodity and industry trends.

Unfortunately, this argument for linking oil prices and gold prices is not very strong either. While oil prices do fluctuate based on its commodity nature, the same is not true of gold prices. Gold is used in some circumstances as a raw material to make goods (like jewelry). But gold prices are not married to supply and demand as much as oil prices are. Instead, gold prices tend to shift based on their monetary asset value, which distinguishes gold from oil. Therefore, the commodities argument fails to accurately predict what affects oil prices and gold prices overall.

Gold – Both Precious and Unique

So, what does affect gold prices? If oil prices do not drive gold prices through aggregate price changes, what does? If gold is not a pure commodity, what is it? While gold prices are affected by changes in commodity indices, these can only explain gold price changes partially. Interestingly, gold tends to behave more like a currency and money asset than a commodity. This is where oil prices and gold prices no longer move in parallel. This helps explain why oil prices tend to be more volatile while gold prices are often more stable.

Certainly, gold is not a modern-day currency like the dollar or yen. However, gold still serves as a material that retains long-term value. Because of this, predictions about gold prices are often more accurate when understanding gold is a monetary asset. What affects gold prices has more to do with its ability to store long-term value than its demand on the commodities market. While oil prices might be affected by inventories and long-term asset value as well, gold prices are much more so. This explains why gold prices tend to be more stable over time when compared to oil prices. It also explains why oil prices have many more short-term ups and downs.

Monetary Policy – What Primarily Affects Gold Prices

As a partial commodity, supply and demand factors can affect gold prices just as they do oil prices. Therefore, taking a look at commodity indices and gold inventories above ground is not a bad thing. But in identifying what affects gold prices, three key drivers are often the best predictors. These measures affecting gold prices include inflation, the value of the dollar, and real interest rates. Gold prices tend to change more in relation to monetary policies than they do with oil prices per se. Thus, expansionary monetary policies tend to affect gold prices in a more positive direction.

With expansion, inflation tends to develop, and the value of the dollar weakens. This requires more dollars to buy the same amount of gold (higher gold price). It also serves to encourage investors to buy gold as a long-term monetary asset since gold’s value relative to the dollar is higher. For these reasons, the price of gold will increase. Real interest rate effects are less obvious as predictors when it comes to gold prices. In theory, higher interest rates make investments in stocks and bonds more attractive (higher yields). This is believed to reduce gold demand and gold prices as a result. However, interest rates tend to affect gold prices less consistently when compared to other factors that affect the price of gold.

How Do Oil Prices and Gold Prices Relate?

Research examining the correlation between gold prices and oil prices show that both move together 85 percent of the time. It would appear, on the surface, that oil prices and gold prices react similarly to economic changes. This is partially true. During times of stability, oil prices and gold prices are more likely to change in the same way. This is because both oil prices and gold prices are influenced by the value of the dollar, inflation and interest rates. However, the differences between oil prices and gold prices tend to be more noticeable during financial crises. Despite still moving in similar directions, oil prices and gold prices may vary significantly in how much they change.

graph showing the relationship of oil prices and gold prices
Gold prices and oil prices show that both move together 85 percent of the time, according to research.

In general, oil prices tend to be much more volatile when compared to gold prices. Because oil prices respond more quickly to supply and demand changes as a commodity, oil is more volatile in nature. In part, this has to do with lower reserves of oil when compared to gold. This is not to say that gold does not change in relation to supply and demand issues. However, gold prices change much more slowly and steadily. This is due to larger inventory reserves and a larger trading market in many cases. Specifically, the large volume of Chinese buyers in recent years has stabilized gold prices significantly.

Using the Gold-to-Oil Price Ratio

One financial tool often used to examine gold prices and oil prices is the gold-to-oil ratio. This instrument compares gold to oil prices, which yields a value that can help investors determine comparative values. The price of one ounce of gold bullion is divided by the price of one barrel of oil. Traditionally, a gold-to-oil ratio above 16 suggests that the gold price is too high or oil prices are too low. If the ratio is below 16, the opposite is true. Depending on where the ratio falls, investors may choose one commodity over the other.

The ratio between gold prices and oil prices can help identify whether gold or oil prices are excessive or not. But, one major caveat exists. The ratio is a comparison between gold price and oil price. Therefore, if both are too high or too low, the ratio offers little advice. Because oil prices tend to be more volatile, the ratio can provide useful information in the short term. But over the long term, the ratio is less helpful in predicting gold prices and gold’s investment potential.


graph of oil prices to gold prices ratio
Gold-to-Oil Ration

Are gold and oil prices excessive?

Oil Prices and Gold Prices – Putting It All Together

To answer whether oil prices affect gold prices, the answer is likely no. Indeed, both oil prices and gold prices move in similar directions most of the time. However, this does not mean oil prices cause gold prices to change. Increasing shoe size correlates with higher intelligence in children, but one doesn’t cause the other. It just so happens both change as children grow. The same applies to oil prices and gas prices. In many ways, they respond similarly to market dynamics…inflation, currency value, interest rates, and even commodity pressures. But when it comes down to it, oil prices are more affected by short-term pressures than gold prices are. Doing your due diligence in both “commodities” can help you better predict changes in oil prices and gold prices ahead.



American Bullion, Inc. (2018). What is the relationship between gold and oil prices? Website. Retrieved from

Arkadiusz, S. (2015). Does oil move the gold price? Sunshine Profits. Retrieved from (2018). The energy model that can predict gold prices. Retrieved from

Seeking Alpha. (2013). What determines gold’s price? Website. Retrieved from

Šimáková, J. (2011). Analysis of the relationship between oil and gold prices. Journal of finance51(1), 651-662.

Can Your Dog Fetch the Fountain of Youth? Potentially with Rapamycin for Dogs

Age is one of the greatest factors that make humans, animals, and other living organisms vulnerable to illness. Scientists have been working for decades to find interventions to at least delay age-related illnesses, as well as promote longevity. Dr. Matt Kaeberlein, co-director of the University of Washington Medicine’s Nathan Shock Center of Excellence in the Basic Biology of Aging and leader of the Dog Aging Project, found that rapamycin for dogs can potentially lengthen the life of these pets and other animals. Rapamycin is originally for human patients with cancer and those who undergo organ transplants.

What is Rapamycin? A Medical Background

Rapamycin is a chemical present in soil bacteria on the Easter Island in the South Pacific. They did the initial test on yeast, worms, and mice in laboratories. In several experiments, scientists found that the drug was able to lengthen the lifespan of the subjects by 25%. The drug is already FDA-approved in the US to be used on humans, especially for those who undergo organ transplants.

Popularly known under its trade name Rapamune, the drug is used to prevent rejection of an organ transplant. Rapamycin does this by weakening the body’s immune system, allowing the acceptance of the new organ.

Typically, the body’s initial reaction is to treat the new organ as an alien, considering it a bacteria or virus. In effect, the immune system, being the natural guardian of the body, destroys the organ tissues. Rapamycin works by restraining a protein called mTOR, a component in T-cell activation. If mTOR is under restraint, the T cells don’t attack the new organ. Therefore, the organ is able to function well.

Rapamycin for Dogs, A Pet-Friendly Drug

Dr. Kaeberlein started the Dog Aging Project in 2014. He and his team recruited 40 middle-aged companion dogs around Seattle. Why dogs? According to Kaeberlein, the lifespan of dogs is close to that of humans, only seven times faster. They also live in a human environment with comparable health care, risks, and the chances of getting sick when they get older. These are the factors that the experiment cannot achieve in a controlled environment inside the laboratory.

female dog owner playing with her pet whose life could be extended by rapamycin for dogs
Dogs and their owners share a lot in common, including health care, risks, and diseases in old age.

Of the 40 dogs, however, only 24 (6 years and older) were randomly given a low dose of the drug or a placebo. Sixteen were omitted from the experiment because of their health conditions. None of the researchers and pet owners knew which dog received the low dose and which one received the placebo drug. The study concluded that rapamycin for dogs improved heart condition and potency.

In a CNN Health report, dog owner Paola Anderson proved that her 13-year-old white Pomsky, Momo, could keep up with younger dogs. Momo and his brother Sherman were abandoned by their original owner and were nursed back by Anderson. Sherman had a stroke and had only 20% chance of survival after the operation. Luckily, a vet prescribed rapamycin to him. He was able to recover after three days and now lives a healthy life. On the other hand, the older dog, Momo, tires easily.  They also gave him the same meds and the dog became livelier. Today, he can keep up with Anderson’s other dogs that are only 3 to 5 years old.

Future Studies for the Dog Aging Project

Kaeberlein further explained that this is just a small initial study. However, for verification purposes, they need to repeat the study. Rapamycin for dogs shows signs of hope, especially for pet owners who want their pets to enjoy life to the fullest. Furthermore, it is a significant development in treating other illnesses that involve similar factors. The Dog Aging Project team is actively recruiting 50 companion dogs for their future studies. This time, they aim to monitor the heart function, activity, memory, and thinking skills. The study will launch in 2019.

Future Human Testing

Although already FDA-approved, the drug is still under debate on its use to delay aging in humans. Kaeberlein said, “It’s complete speculation, but with something like rapamycin, we might get 10 to 15, maybe as much as 20 years. And in most people, they would be healthy additional years.” However, he did explain that results from animal testing do not always guarantee similar outcomes when applied to humans.


Finding an Alternative to the International Entrepreneur Rule

The Obama Administration drafted The International Entrepreneur Rule (IER) two days before Donald Trump’s inauguration. This was a reaction to the inability of Congress to pass immigration reform measures. The rule was meant to make it easier for possible entrepreneurial immigrants to make a start in the country via a parole measure. Individuals who plan to invest and put up a company in the US can stay for up to five years. They just need to meet certain criteria. Congress thought of this as a presidential overreach.

IER Opposed by the DHS

The Department of Homeland Security has been instrumental in blocking its implementation and requests to rescind it.

The International Entrepreneur Rule was a last-ditch effort to allow entrepreneurs to enter the US. There are certain conditions to qualify for the parole. The applicant has to have at least 10% equity in his company, and at least an additional $250,000 investment from a qualified investor, or a minimum of $100,000 funding from a qualified government grant or award. It gives him parole to stay in the country for at least two-and-a-half years. During that time, the company should be successful, must have five qualified jobs, with annual revenues of more than $500,000.

The requirements for the International Entrepreneur Rule  were lower than the requirements for an investor visa. Ideally, this helps improve the number of small tech companies started by foreign entrepreneurs. During the time that the  International Entrepreneur Rule was in force, there had only been twelve applicants. None of them qualified, according to the regulations.

The DHS, after the shutdown of the program, stood its ground that it’s not only an abuse of authority with the parole, it is also not the intended way to use the parole. In addition, the administration is going through a crackdown on immigration. The current sentiment about it is that additional people coming in will mean more jobs going to foreigners instead of the Americans. Some consider the International Entrepreneur Rule as another immigration loophole which grants foreigners permission to remain in the country for short-term jobs.

The Need for an Alternative to the International Entrepreneur Rule

The International Entrepreneur Rule is not without any disadvantages. After approval, the entrepreneur has to make the company work within two-and-a-half years. If successful, the entrepreneur has another 2.5 years for more improvements. Within the 2.5 to 5 years, if he cannot find a way to have a green card or a visa, he has to leave. The International Entrepreneur Rule does not grant green cards. If the entrepreneur leaves, the company still stays, but there is that question of who will manage it.

The International Entrepreneur Rule implementing guidelines, unfortunately, do not discuss these issues.

The original intent of the International Entrepreneur Rule was to solicit new applications from entrepreneurs to build startups in the country. Other countries, including Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Singapore and the United Kingdom, have already implemented this idea.

Foreign-Born Entrepreneurs

Startups by foreign-born, or children of foreign-born Americans, have had a big impact on the economy. In 2017, the top 500 companies in the country generated $12.1 trillion in revenues. Companies started by immigrants or the children of immigrants constitute more than 40% of the earnings. Among the biggest names are Google, eBay, Yahoo, Tesla, AT&T, and others.

Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google. Brin was born in the former Soviet Union and was brought to the United States at the age of six. Pierre Morad Omidyar, the founder of eBay, was born in Paris, France and is of Iranian descent. Jerry Yang, a Taiwanese-American, co-founded Yahoo in 1995. Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla, was born in South Africa. Musk is also the founder of SpaceX, the Boring Company, and co-founder of Neuralink. Alexander Graham Bell, a Scot, founded the Bell Corporations, the predecessor of AT&T. Max Levchin and Peter Thiel co-founded PayPal. Levchin was born in the Ukraine and Thiel was born in Germany.

Even outside of the current Fortune 500 companies, immigrants have been starting tech companies. An example is Philippe Kahn, the founder of Borland, and three other companies. He is also the founder of Starfish, the first cellphone camera company. Kahn took the first ever picture from a cellphone camera, when he photographed the birth of his son. He also founded PictureMail which enabled sharing cellphone pictures via email.

The immediate impact of new immigrants to tech startups cannot be overstated.  More than half of the top 25 firms on the Fortune 500 list were also formed by immigrants, with more than 12.8 million total employees worldwide. This is the kind of dynamism and entrepreneurship which some in congress would want to nurture.

The Startup Act

Notwithstanding the  International Entrepreneur Rule, Congress has forwarded an alternative called the “Startup Act.” This was re-introduced for discussion in September 2017. Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS), Mark Warner (D-VA), Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) wrote the Startup Act. According to them, startups have declined to about half during recent decades. The Startup Act will include visa provisions for 75,000 new legal immigrants. Immigrants will undoubtedly flock to the US with the number of visas that will be provided for entrepreneurs. The incentives are also promising.

There is only a finite amount of money around for entrepreneurs to invest in startups. In the same manner, there is fierce competition to entice new talent from abroad to invest in US countries.

There are other ways to attract investment. However, these other methods only work for large companies willing to expand within a country and employ local talent. These are usually established companies with mature product lines looking to sell and profit from the host company. The founder would remain in their own country, and the company would retain their corporate identity.

Having a foreign company operating within a host country would mean that earnings would be to the credit of the mother company and country. Revenues would be sent abroad. This is the current state of foreign manufacturing plants, as well as global franchises. The businesses are off-shore, and the company can harvest earnings remotely. However, when an immigrant becomes successful with his startup, he should be able to get a visa or a green card and become a permanent resident.


Practically, importing entrepreneurs has similarities and differences with H-1B visa holders. First off, immigrants under the H-1B visa program are a measure to fill up the requirements for technical people. There is a marked shortage of technical and IT personnel, which is needed by companies in almost all industries. The educational system does not have enough in the pipeline, and the demand is outstripping the supply. The same is true for entrepreneurs. Bringing the entrepreneurs into the country may alleviate the decline in startups. The Startup Act may prove to reverse the trend and spur growth in new startups.

The insistence on attracting entrepreneurs is not only to attract new talent, but also to have them start new ideas in the U. S. or the host country. New ideas and new talent in a startup is a potential seed for growth. This is betting that at least one of these startups grow to become an Amazon, Google, or Yahoo.

Another advantage of foreign entrepreneurs is the diversity they bring. One of the current issues with American startups is the lack of diversity in tech. Cultural diversity promotes different ways of thinking. This may be more important than the amount of money brought in through the investments. The diversity, which is automatically inherent in companies founded by immigrants or immigrant children, has proven to be a powerful engine for growth.


Fountain of Youth for Dogs Found in Rapamycin

Illustrated cartoon of dogs playing in the fountain for the topic the fountain of youth for dogs.
Scientists say dogs’ lives can be prolonged by rapamycin, a drug for humans with cancer, thus they may have found the fountain of youth for dogs.

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