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Digital Tranquility: Simple Habit and the ‘Spotify-ing’ of Meditation

Back in 2016, Simple Habit founder and CEO Yunha Kim was just another stressed-out individual. She wore too many hats at the same time. As the founder of a startup company called Locket and a student of Stanford Graduate Business School, she looked for ways to better manage pressure and stress. After discovering the benefits of meditation, Kim incorporated the habit in her daily routine. Thus, the idea of creating the Simple Habit meditation app – “The Spotify of Meditation” – surfaced.

Simple Habit is the meditation app for people on-the-go. The app offers 1,000+ guided meditations from world-class experts. With a mission to empower people to handle stress, achieve more and live better, the Simple Habit meditation app provides bite-size meditations.

The Need for Tranquility Amidst the Frenzy

Premier professional networking platform, LinkedIn conducted a survey among professionals in the US to assess how widespread workplace stress is. Based on the results, the study confirmed that more than half of the workforce is suffering from stress. Clearly, stress is an issue that needs to be addressed. Failure to confront the issue will cause more problems down the road. Some of these issues such as low productivity, high turnover rate, and health concerns can impact the organization and the employees.

As organizations and companies are investing in health and wellness, employees also realize the benefits of rest, mindfulness, and meditation. The billion-dollar mindfulness industry is undergoing a tremendous growth spurt. Wellness studios, courses on mindfulness, and technologies around meditation are gaining traction.

However, due to our time-strapped lifestyle, the majority of the population still finds it difficult to set aside some time to breathe, feel, and focus. With the Simple Habit meditation app, users are able to create their own pockets of tranquility amidst the frenzy.

Simple Habit Meditation App: Revolutionizing Mindfulness

The Simple Habit meditation app aims to make meditation straightforward and convenient. With a sleek and easy to navigate interface, meditations are sorted between the On-The-Go and Series Tabs. Craving for a quick break? Click the On-The-Go tab and meditate in as little as five minutes.

While there are several meditation apps available in the market, Simple Habit meditation app is revolutionizing the mindfulness space in many ways. Firstly, Simple Habit meditation app gives its users the option to choose from a wide array of meditation experts, coaches, therapists, and psychologists around the world. Simple Habit’s impressive roster of carefully vetted teachers includes Cory Muscara, Catherine Cook-Cottone, and Jay Chodagam, to name a few.

Simple Habit is on track by positioning itself as the “Spotify of meditation.” By giving a portion of the users’ subscription to the teachers in the platform, the app is succeeding in attracting the experts in the field. For discriminating users, top quality offerings and varied selections are attractive.

Simple Habit Meditation: Mindfulness To Go

Since its founding in 2016, Simple Habit has continued to demonstrate consistency and potential. The app got Google’s approving nod by winning the “The Standout Well-Being App Award” in May 2018. Additionally, Simple Habit was recognized as the third most popular app in the iOS App Store for Q3 2018; Calm and Headspace in the first and second spot. Recently, Simple Habit got additional financial backing by securing its Series-A funding for $10 million.

There is no one-size-fits-all way to manage stress as each individual can have varying stress thresholds. The key is to find a way to manage stress that works for you. Clearly, the ability to meditate and practice mindfulness in your own terms meets the need of time-strapped users. With this value proposition, the Simple Habit meditation app is ready to stand out.

Digital Tranquility: Simple Habit Is Spotify-ing Meditation

Customer Service and Circuits: Walmart, McDonalds and the Emerging Robotic Labor Force

Robots used to be something present in science fiction movies and fantasy novels. But not anymore. A robotic workforce has already replaced more than 80 percent of the manufacturing sector. And other sectors are following suit. Some of the largest companies in the retail and food industries are ramping up their robotic automation tremendously. So what will this mean for consumers, as well as employees, in the future?

Robotic automation offers many advantages, but it also introduces change. While there are several benefits to a robotic workforce, there is also the costs to appreciate. While convenience, efficiency and even safety may be enhanced, that doesn’t mean new challenges will not be encountered. Customers and workers alike need to prepare for these challenges as it appears that a robotic workforce is inevitable.

The Upside of a Robotic Workforce

As the manufacturing sector has realized, robotic automation has its advantages. For one, it reduces throughput delays and boosts the number of manufacturing cycles per period. At the same time, robotic automation reduces errors, improves quality control, and offers greater workplace safety. All of these benefits mean greater efficiency, as well as increased profits. So, it’s no wonder other sectors are exploring a robotic workforce to gain marketplace advantages.

Of course, these are not the only benefits. Today, several tedious, repetitive, low-level tasks are still being performed by workers in various industries. A robotic workforce provides an opportunity for workers to avoid having to perform such menial activities. Instead, employees enjoy a chance to realize their full potential through new skill development and creative innovations. From this perspective, robotic automation ultimately creates better value for everyone—for both the company and its workers.

Potential Downsides of Robotic Automation

Naturally, concerns about job displacement exist whenever a robotic workforce is mentioned. Currently, 3.8 million people in the U.S. work in the fast food industry. Fast food kiosks, mobile ordering apps, and curbside pickup all threaten existing positions at these restaurants. McDonald’s is a prime example of this case as with all its stores are to have these applications by 2020. At the same time, robotic workforces pose threats to other fast food jobs. Flippy, a burger-flipping robot that flips 150 burgers an hour, has been employed in select California fast food restaurants. Job displacement in some positions, thus, seems likely—requiring workers to develop new skills for new jobs.

The Robotic Workforce - Walmart and Mcdo's Robotic Labor Force Infographics

Estimates suggest that more than half the current workforce will be replaced by robotic automation by 2030. With robots like Flippy, which only cost $60,000, companies enjoy a robotic workforce that is more productive at menial tasks. Likewise, Flippy never calls in sick or takes vacations while providing years of service for its price. It’s not surprising why a number of companies are embracing such robotic technology for food.

Bold Companies Embracing Robotic Automation Innovations

Several companies today are making robotic automation a priority for change. Walmart is among one of the leaders in adopting a robotic workforce. The company is currently implementing nearly 4,000 robotic automation units that serve a variety of functions. These include a robotic workforce that cleans floors, manages inventory, scans, and sorts deliveries, and facilitates online order pickups. Through these innovations, Walmart expects tremendous improvements in efficiency, productivity, and service.

Walmart is certainly not alone. Target, since 2016, has used Tally—which is a robotic inventory tracker. Similarly, Lowe’s brought in LoweBot in 2016 to assist customers with in-store directions while also tracking inventory. And several hotels chains are adopting robotic automation in the form of kiosks and customer services. Some hotels, like the Residence Inn by Marriott, are beginning to use a robotic workforce for bellhop services. Improvements in automated transportation and AI have enabled these innovations to become realities.

The Good and Bad for Consumers

Naturally, the state of robotic automation today does not provide the same level of service as their human counterparts. As bellhops, baristas and restaurant servers are increasingly replaced by a robotic workforce, some of these nuances will be lost. Likewise, robotic automation inherently shifts some of the responsibility to the consumer. You only have to walk into any large retailer today to appreciate this. Kiosks now require consumers to scan and interact with these devices rather than being served by an employee.

While the corresponding ramifications might not be desirable for some customers, opportunities for better efficiency and accuracy are attractive with robotic automation. Likewise, continued advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automated movements will continue to allow improvements in service. And the opportunities that a robotic workforce allows in data analytics cannot be understated. All of this ultimately means enhanced products and services tailored to individual customers. This is the promise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and a robotic workforce certainly offers this potential.

The Robot Labor Force Infographic

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