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Can Climate Change Solutions Undo the Damage? Green Companies Spark Hope!

Climate change is like the mythical, multi-headed hydra. Decimate one head, and two more heads will grow in its place. But unlike the hydra, climate change is real. To defeat the beast, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and inhibition of the release of pollutants to the environment are not enough. For climate change solutions to work, regenerative actions to reverse the damage and clean up the environment must be pursued as well. Experts predict that we only have about a decade to carry out policies and climate change solutions. If we move too late, then we must brace ourselves for cataclysmic impact. Nevertheless, companies saving the environment today are coming to light.

climate change solutions and the companies saving the environment

Factors of Climate Change Infographic

With large swathes of forests ravaged by wildfires, coastal areas wiped out by super typhoons and hurricanes, and nations suffering from water crisis and food shortage—the call to act now has never been louder and clearer. With time breathing down our necks, the fight against climate change seems like a Herculean task. Thankfully, companies saving the environment offer a glimmer of hope.

Climate-Change Warriors: Waging a Revolution for Environmental Regeneration

Earth has survived numerous climate-change cycles in the past. However, the rise in the average global temperature has hampered the planet’s ability to heal itself. With regeneration as one of the vital factors in climate change solutions, several companies are stepping up for the planet’s renewal.

  • Opower, formerly known as Positive Energy, is an engaging, informational and empowering tool for customers to use to make smarter decisions on how to use energy. By changing the consumer’s relationship with energy, OPower aims to make energy conservation a personal crusade and motivate users to conserve energy. By reducing consumers’ energy consumption and lowering carbon emissions, we can let the environment catch up and heal.
  • 4ocean makes it to the roster of companies saving the environment. Every year, 8 million metric tons of plastics enter our seas. This fact is on top of the estimated 150 million metric tons already in the marine environment. By recycling plastic, 4Ocean aims to cut down the amount of plastic that enters the ocean by 50 percent within a decade.
  • BioHiTech Global is a technology and services company offering climate change solutions through cost-effective and sustainable on-site food waste disposal system. In the U.S. alone, 150,000 tons of food is wasted every day. Hauling and transporting this massive amount of waste can be costly—not to mention the toll it can exert on the environment. Through BioHiTech’s Digester Technology, businesses can have access to efficient on-site food waste disposal, while saving costs on waste transport and unlocking an alternative energy resource.
a photo of the company logos of the bold companies saving the environment with their climate change solutions
These are just some notable companies saving the environment with their bold climate change solutions.

Other Bold Companies Saving the Environment With Climate Change Solutions

    • Climeworks is a Swiss startup company that pulls carbon dioxide out of the air. With a vision of extracting 1 percent of the total global carbon emissions by the year 2025, Climeworks believe that they have the technology to stop and reverse climate change. By developing a commercial carbon-removal technology, Climeworks hopes to increase the number of companies saving the environment.

  • Global Thermostat’s transformative technology marries profitability and sustainability. The technology is modular, flexible and scalable—making it easy to incorporate the technology with existing systems. Moreover, the captured carbon dioxide is converted into a variety of uses and products. Global Thermostat’s partnership in various markets has been crucial in closing the global carbon cycle.
  • Vecor is a green technology company that converts fly ash into high-value and reliable building material. Fly ash is a byproduct of burning pulverized coal in electric generation power plants. Through Vecor’s Systema Leonardo, the company presents climate change solutions that address excessive mining of raw materials and that eliminate dumping of fly ash wastes in waterways and landfills, while opening a new revenue stream for the market.

All Hands On Deck! More Climate Change Solutions Are Underway

In truth, climate change is a threat not just to humans, but also to all life forms of the planet. We can use all the help we can get to reverse an impending environmental crisis. Thankfully, the world is seeing an all-hands-on-deck moment.

Legislators are implementing long-term and legally-binding policies. Businesses are earnest in developing sustainability programs. Groups and organizations are building climate change solutions with substantial impact. With more climate change solutions underway, we have more reasons to stay optimistic.

Climate Change Infographic

Factors of Climate Change Infographic

For Tesla Motor Company, Dips Don’t Lie – Especially When the Dips Keep Coming

The Tesla Motor Company has certainly had its share of ups and downs over the years. Its financial projections (and infusions) are about as erratic as Elon Musk’s Twitter rants. So, it might not be too surprising that once again Tesla Motor Company’s first quarter numbers are quite disappointing. But is this simply another blip on the radar? Or is this the beginning of the ultimate downfall of the Tesla electric car?

It’s a question worth considering, given all the challenges the Tesla Motor Company is currently facing. The company has its share of internal issues, especially with logistics right now. But at the same time, many of its largest obstacles appear to be coming from elsewhere. And as the surrounding automotive industry environment changes, one has to wonder if first-quarter figures are a telltale sign.

A Year Tesla Would Thus Far Like to Forget

The report for the first quarter numbers for Tesla wasn’t favorable. In fact, they were downright dismal. The first quarter sales were a mere $63,000, which would suggest an annual projection of around $250,000. The problem is Tesla electric car sales were supposed to hit between $360,000 and $400,000 this year. Likewise, this is a big disappointment for investors who saw an actual profit for the company in the last two quarters. In contrast, this quarter brought a $702,000 loss, which is much tougher to swallow.

Thus far, the numbers for the second quarter aren’t looking very favorable either, based on available data. Sales for Tesla in the Netherlands and Norway have dropped 76% and 82% respectively between March and April. And despite promoting its Model 3 as the car for the masses, the Tesla electric car workforce was cut by 7% in January. For a company that burns through cash at $7,000 a minute, these are not favorable signs. And despite having a reported $2.2 billion in cash reserves, it seems clear that there is a need for additional capital.

Cloud and Mirrors Can No Longer Hide a Changing Landscape for Tesla

For a long time, the hype surrounding the Tesla electric car fueled investor enthusiasm. As Tesla Motor Company leveraged its expertise and experience to gain market advantages, everyone was optimistic. But repeated failures and missed predictions have investors and analysts alike looking at things afresh. While Elon Musk still demands attention and professes a remarkable future, some realities must be considered. Certainly, the financials paint a troubling picture. But combine these with a factual reality of the automotive sector today, and Tesla investors should be really concerned.

  • A Dissipating Lead in Technology for Tesla Electric Cars – For years, Tesla was able to surpass many of the “big boys” in electric vehicles simply because of its expertise. High performance was combined with luxury and advanced battery technology. The Tesla Motor Company clearly stood alone. But times have changed. Nearly every automobile manufacturer has an electric vehicle, either in current production or soon to be released. And several companies have either partnered or acquired technology innovators in this field. The Tesla electric car is no longer the only high-end, luxury electric vehicle on the market. And recent sales declines, particularly in Norway and the Netherlands, support this.
  • Trouble Playing by the Rules – It’s no secret that Elon Musk has trouble keeping his emotions in check. As Twitter rants have proven, such indiscretions have major repercussions. Musk’s skirmish with the Securities and Exchange Commission resulted in $67 million in restructuring costs and fines for Tesla Motor Company. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the recent reduced federal tax credit for EV’s has contributed to declining demand. By taking away the tax incentive, fewer Americans are as excited about purchasing a Tesla electric car. Though perhaps not as important as other areas, the inability to successfully negotiate regulatory environments isn’t helping.
  • Repeated Strategic Fails for Tesla Motor Company – When Tesla electric cars were first launched, their innovative strategy was refreshing. Online sales, few brick-and-mortar showrooms, personalized service, and seamless technology updates were all highly attractive. The environmental appeal, the high-end luxury, and the inherent prestige of owning a Tesla electric car also contributed. But recently, the strategy has not been as innovative. For one, Elon Musk’s hype of future releases, and the opportunity to pre-order, have been detrimental. Consumers can now preorder the Tesla Model X crossover for a 2021 delivery. But this naturally detracts from current sales of the Model 3, which are desperately needed. These types of strategic decisions, in addition to failed logistics and manufacturing mishaps, have plagued Tesla Motor Company as of late.
  • Advancing and Formidable Competition – As noted, existing competitors present in the automobile sector have rapidly caught up in technology. Tesla Motor Company does not enjoy the same advantages as they once did. But new companies are surpassing Tesla’s numbers as well. For example, China’s largest EV company, BYD, actually sold more electric cars in the first quarter than Tesla Motor Company did. And BYD’s profits have advanced 632% in the first quarter compared to the same time period last year. GM and Ford sell roughly 10 times the volume of cars like Tesla. And both Audi and Jaguar EVs are outselling the Tesla electric car in the Netherlands by a factor of 10. There’s no question that the incumbents have caught up while new entrants have appeared.
  • False Hopes of Being an Autonomous Vehicle Leader – Elon Musk is a visionary, even if all his visions may not come to fruition. But when the vision impacts current day success, that is a problem. Recently, Elon Musk has suggested that Tesla Motor Company will launch autonomous robo-cars and will be an autonomous transportation leader. But is that a reality? A number of players are already investing heavily in autonomous transportation. And many are heavyweights in the field. If Tesla Motor Company is investing heavily in this direction, its current objectives for the Tesla electric car will likely suffer. This is where a dose of reality might truly be helpful.

Predicting the Future for Tesla Motor Company

Recent performance figures are not attractive for Tesla Motor Company. But that does not mean the gloom and doom for Elon Musk’s electric car company are imminent. Cash reserves are available, and another round of capital funding will likely be successful to keep Tesla going. But the signs don’t look favorable for the long-term. A combination of internal problems and an increasingly hostile environment pose serious threats to the Tesla Motor Company. No matter what, win or lose, Tesla’s story will be an interesting one. Elon Musk will make sure of that.

When Tesla Motor Company Dip In Sales Can Mean Its Downfall

a cartoon of frustrated elon musk because of tesla motor company’s dipping electric car sales
The Tesla Motor Company has hit a bit of a rough patch as of late. Will they be able to recover from continuing dips in sales?

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