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The Work-From-Home Economy Is Changing How Cities Approach the Future

Increasingly, companies and corporations alike are realizing remote work is not something to be feared. What started as a necessity during pandemic times has rapidly emerged as a preferred employer-employee dynamic. The vast majority of workers prefer working from home. Major tech companies are now on-board and appreciating the vast economic benefits of remote work. Similarly, many companies are changing how they recruit top talent given that most demand at least part-time working from home. But these developments aren’t only limited to companies and workers. Believe it or not, cities and municipalities are also getting in on the act.

(Yup, Bold Business predicted that work-from-home was here to stay…)

Across the country, small towns and cities are realizing that they too can benefit from the work-from-home movement. In decades past, most municipal efforts were focused on attracting new businesses and corporations into their region. A new office meant more jobs for the region, which in turn generated local tax revenues and economic stability. But a new approach is emerging from these same areas as they increasingly appreciate the economic benefits of remote work. Remote worker recruitment programs are on the rise, and some towns are spending millions in worker incentives. And given their success to date, it’s likely that more and more cities invest in similar strategies in the coming years.

“[Remote worker recruitment] is the new version of smokestack chasing. It’s like what Ohio did when it attracted a microchip factory.” – Roy Bahat, Head of the Bloomberg Beta VC Firm

A Pandemic-Inspired Change in Recruitment

For years now, municipalities sought to attract larger firms to their area through various incentive programs. Municipal tax breaks, land-use allowances, talent pool access, and other strategies were used to attract corporations, which meant more jobs. But many towns and cities, especially smaller ones, were left out from major industries like tech. San Francisco, Austin, and now Toronto were magnets for these big-dollar tech firms. This meant other cities had to spend huge amounts of money to even be considered. Or they had to settle for less-appealing sectors. In either case, cities faced significant risks related to their investments.

Then, the pandemic hit, and working from home became the norm. This changed everything because employees could now work from anywhere, which included any town in the country. Some cities recognized the economic benefits of remote work related to their own situation. For a much smaller investment, they could offer remote worker recruitment incentives. And if successful, they could reap some of the same benefits as if they attracted a new corporation. As a result, remote worker recruitment programs began emerging in 2021 and have continued to grow. In fact, there are now more than 70 of these programs in the country today.

“It’s not about the money, and the gifts and things like that. It’s about the innovation to think that the city is thinking about how to reinvent itself, how to diversify its economy.” -Daniel Barr, Remote Worker, Beckley HUB

Municipal Economic Benefits of Remote Work

At first, it might seem peculiar why any town or city might want to recruit a remote worker. This is especially true considering many such programs offer cash incentives and other perks. But believe it or not, municipalities enjoy some important advantages when it comes to remote worker recruitment. For one, persuading advanced degree talent into an area does increase job opportunities overall. Some launch startups on their own while others get involved in side-hustles. According to some statistics, for every two remote workers recruited, cities see another job opening appear. This is notably less than if cities persuaded a major corporation to relocate to their area. But at the same time, so is their overall investment.

In addition to these economic benefits of remote work, recruitment programs benefit towns in other ways. Remote workers tend to get involved in community projects and organizations. they bring a higher level of expertise and talent to such activities. This makes for a much richer community. Likewise, most cities are targeting high-wage earners in their remote work recruitment efforts. That means these workers have higher disposable incomes that they will likely spent in part in the local economy. Given that the investments are smaller and less risky, the cost-benefit analysis supports these programs. This is why more cities are realizing the perks of remote worker recruitment.

“I’ve felt so loved and known here [in Tulsa] in ways I never have before. What is keeping me here is the opportunity and the people.” – Jason Mathew, IBM Product Manager and Tulsa Remote Worker

Benefits for Remote Workers

Naturally, there are some important advantages for remote workers as well with these city programs. For one, many smaller cities offer cash incentives with some as much as $12,000. Others throw in free gym memberships, assistance with childcare, and free office working space. Interestingly, however, it is not the perks that tend to be the deal-maker in these instances. While incentives may attract attention, it’s actually a town’s charm and personality that convinces remote workers to stay. Naturally, this varies from one person to the next. But it’s clear that economic benefits of remote work programs alone aren’t the only factors.

Some hipster dude working from home
The economic benefits of remote work have succeeded in reshaping business… and life.

In comments from those working from home in a new city, a common theme relates to the sense of connectedness a community offers. Indeed, many seek areas with a lower cost of living and higher quality of life. Similarly, less traffic and congestion can be a favorable thing. But many decide to stay because of the lifestyle the new city offers. This has been one of the greatest benefits that working from home appears to offer. And remote worker recruitment programs are taking full advantage of this opportunity.

A Changing Urban Landscape

In decades past, urbanization and industry consolidation within specific regions became the norm. In-person talent often dictated where specific companies needed to establish themselves in order to compete. But this all changed when working from home became increasingly popular. Today, remote workers can live anywhere while companies no longer have to stay within specialty specific regions. While the real winners are those working from home, smaller towns and cities are reaping the benefits as well. The economic benefits of remote work to cities are why so many are embracing remote worker recruitment efforts. And because these programs offer a win-win for all, there’s no reason to suspect they’ll go away anytime soon.


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A Little Background About Monkeypox

Coming off the heels of the pandemic, many of us are well primed for the next worldwide infectious outbreak. This is especially after the rollercoaster ride of quarantines and reopenings that occurred with each new variant. It’s therefore little surprise that the emergence of a new infection called Monkeypox is cause for concern. Out of nowhere, this new virus is spreading throughout the U.S. and Europe with thousands of cases already. But there are many myths about Monkeypox being circulated that are simply not true. As a result, it’s worthwhile to take a look at this virus in greater detail and the guidelines for Monkeypox care.

Despite Monkeypox recently making news headlines, the actual virus was discovered decades ago. In 1958, the first outbreak of Monkeypox occurred in a research lab affecting monkeys. However, despite myths about Monkeypox suggesting the virus originated in monkeys, this isn’t the case. The actual carriers for the virus are various types of rodents. It was thus presumed the monkeys had acquired it from rodent exposure or from humans exposed to infected rodents. The second outbreak then occurred in 2003 in Texas when an animal shipment from Ghana arrived. Infected rodents infected pet prairie dogs, which resulted in 47 people developing Monkeypox. This outbreak was similarly contained, and the virus fizzled away thereafter.

Until recently, almost all the Monkeypox infections have occurred in Africa. In fact, guidelines for Monkeypox identify two main variants of the virus, and both are from Africa. One type, the Central African variant, is more potent. The other one, the West African variant, is less so. The recent Monkeypox infections in the U.S. represent the West African type, making it less concerning. And while no one is clear how the recent outbreaks began, most experts presume international travel may be the primary culprit. This is why most guidelines for Monkeypox today are focused on prevention by limiting human spread.

“I’ve been working on this virus for 20 years. It’s a virus that does not spread as easily as something like SARS-CoV-2. Its most efficient route of transmission is close, prolonged, skin-to-skin contact.” – Anne Rimoin, Professor of Epidemiology, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health

How Monkeypox Spreads

In order to appreciate ways to prevent the spread of Monkeypox, it’s important to understand how the virus behaves. Those so far that appear to be most at risk are men having sex with other men (MSM). This has led to one of the myths about Monkeypox claiming that the virus is a sexually transmitted disease. While it may be transmitted in this fashion, it can also be spread other ways as well. Likewise, MSM are not the only populations at risk. Children under 15 years of age are at risk, and in actuality, anyone may contract the virus through close contact. As such, the guidelines for Monkeypox prevention focus not only on safe sex measures but also contact preventions also.

A collection of test tubes with monkeypox
Guidelines for Monkeypox are here, and the first bit of advice is to not freak out.

In essence, human beings can contract Monkeypox via animal exposures or human exposures. Rodents carrying Monkeypox typically convey the infection to humans via bites and scratches or through direct contact with animal fluids. Person-to-person infection is less common, but it tends to occur with direct contact as well. Skin contact of sores and scabs is one way Monkeypox may be spread. Other ways include exposure to oral secretions or respiratory droplets. It has also been found that bedding, linens, and clothing from infected individuals can cause the virus spread. And while it has not been definitively determined if semen and vaginal fluid trigger virus spread, it is possible. Therefore, current guidelines for Monkeypox warn of all these potential sources of exposure.

“Monkeypox can spread in a variety of ways. It can spread through contaminated objects, respiratory secretions, but really that’s not what we’re seeing as the primary mode of transmission in this outbreak. What we’re seeing is the vast majority of cases are from prolonged skin-to-skin contact, generally in the context of sex.” – Anne Rimoin

What to Expect with Monkeypox

Currently in the US, there are over 7,000 cases of Monkeypox. While this is a concerning number, myths about Monkeypox being the next pandemic are extremely exaggerated. In addition, myths about Monkeypox stating that it is highly fatal are also completely wrong. In actuality, the vast majority of people who get Monkeypox have a self-limited illness for up to four weeks after symptoms appear. These symptoms include fever, chills, flu-like symptoms, and of course, a rash. Of these, the rash can be the most bothersome from a pain perspective. Over a few weeks, lesions go from vesicles, to pustules, to scabbed sores, and each is infectious. But in most cases, these resolve completely even without interventions.

Understanding this, guidelines for Monkeypox care is generally supportive. That means individuals with Monkeypox should stay hydrated, get rest, and take mild pain relivers if needed. In addition, they should also wear a mask during this time and avoid skin contact with others. Other guidelines for Monkeypox infections also include thoroughly washing clothing and bedding, and practice safe sex or abstinence. And for higher risk individuals, vaccines offer hope. Getting a Smallpox vaccine looks to convey significant protection against the virus. It should be noted that Smallpox was eradicated in the 1970s, and vaccination programs were halted in 1980. But because Monkeypox is very similar to Smallpox, vaccination programs are reemerging as part of the new guidelines for Monkeypox.

“Monkeypox is believed to have become more prevalent after we stopped vaccinating populations against smallpox. We pretty much slowed or halted smallpox vaccine programs and that was actually enabling for monkeypox to emerge among human populations, because immunity was wearing off.” – Peter Hotez, Co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital

When to Seek Medical Help

Despite media reports, the actual number of cases of Monkeypox remain low. Likewise, myths about Monkeypox suggesting a high fatality rate continue to be spread. In rare cases, Monkeypox can result in pneumonia, encephalitis, and loss of eyesight if the eyes are involved. But these cases are incredibly small in number. Regardless, guidelines for Monkeypox suggest seeking medical help if such a diagnosis is suspected. Tissue samples from skin sores can be tested for the virus, and blood tests can also be performed. In most cases, all that will be required is supportive care, efforts to prevent spread, and time. Without question, the virus is serious and does result in notable discomfort for those infected. But by following proven guidelines for Monkeypox prevention, the chance of acquiring the virus can be greatly reduced.


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The Next Energy Solution: A Thorium Reactor Explainer

It has become readily apparent that energy solutions are needed in the years ahead. The cost of extracting fossil fuels for energy use is increasing resulting in rising prices and price volatility. At the same time, issues regarding sustainability and climate change are also demanding innovative solutions. Many have touted renewable energy like wind, solar, and hydroelectric as saviors. But it is rapidly becoming apparent that renewable energy is not the complete answer. A different approach is needed, and many experts believe that nuclear power, and specifically thorium-based nuclear power may be it.

(Reality check: the Green Energy Movement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Read this Bold story to find out why!)

Thorium-based nuclear power offers many advantages over uranium-based nuclear power. Despite higher upfront costs of production, thorium looks to be a better option over time. In addition to its abundance, thorium offers greater sustainability and energy production. It also has the potential to provide much greater energy capacity for countries when compared to fossil fuels and renewables. These and other features are why industry insiders see the future of nuclear power being quite strong. And in all probability, this future will see thorium-based nuclear power surpass uranium-based sources in a relatively short time frame.

“All in all, the total amount of power conceivably available from the uranium and thorium supplies of the earth is about twenty times that available from the coal and oil we have left.” – Isaac Asimov

Why Nuclear Power?

Before we can consider thorium-based nuclear power as our energy future, we must justify nuclear power in the first place. Currently, in the U.S., 78% of our energy comes from fossil fuels and 12.5% from renewables. Amazingly, nuclear power comes in at #3 at roughly 9%. But this will inevitably change given some very practical issues. In terms of renewable energy sources, wind, solar and hydroelectric are certainly sustainable and environmentally friendly. But that doesn’t mean there not without issues. For one, wind turbines and photovoltaic panels take up tremendous real estate to meet energy needs. Plus, energy storage continues to be an issue with these energy production strategies. They will likely be a part of the energy production pie, but they’ll never be the lead source.

Next, we must consider fossil fuels, especially since they continue to dominate the energy sector. Oil, coals and natural gas are still in abundance for now, but that’s not going to last. We are already seeing the extraction of these energy sources becoming more difficult. This combined with depleting reserves will continue to push prices upward. And periodic fluctuations in access will cause ongoing volatility in prices on a global scale. That’s not to mention the concerns these energy sources have in relation to climate change effects. An alternative to fossil fuels is needed, and that alternative is nuclear energy. Not only are materials for nuclear energy in great abundance. But the energy production capacity of nuclear fission is tremendous. This why fossil fuels will progressively decline, ushering in the bold future of nuclear power.

“Compared to uranium reactors, thorium reactors produce far less waste and the waste that is generated is much less radioactive and much shorter-lived.” – Marin Katusa, Founder of Katusa Research

Why Thorium Over Uranium?

While most people have heard of uranium, many may not have any knowledge of thorium. However, just like uranium, thorium atoms can undergo nuclear fission to create tremendous amounts of energy. In order to produce energy from thorium, it must be combined with fluoride salts in a nuclear reactor. As a result, these nuclear reactors cost a bit more to construct. But in the long run, these costs are readily recovered due to the greater efficiency that thorium-based nuclear power reactions. This is why thorium reactions are believed to be the eventual future of nuclear power.

A bunch of control rods about to get their nuclear reactor on
The future of nuclear power? More thorium, less uranium.

Let’s compare uranium to thorium in its ability to produce nuclear energy. When it comes to thorium-based nuclear power, it is roughly 98% efficient while uranium reactions are only 5%. Likewise nuclear fission of thorium produces twice as much energy as uranium. Also, unlike uranium, thorium cannot be weaponized easily, alleviating these type of concerns. Finally, thorium is much safer, with its radioactive waste being much less in volume and much less n radioactive duration. While radiative waste from uranium lasts 10,000 years, thorium radioactive waste lasts only 500 years. All of this highlights why thorium should be the future of nuclear power over uranium.

“Our future is nuclear … in spite of Hollywood and misguided environmental activists who choose to get their science from that world. These phenomena slowed society’s progress in developing and benefitting from nuclear power by decades.” – Thomas Frey, Founder and Executive Director of DaVinci Institute

Why Thorium-Based Nuclear Power Is Our Best Energy Solution

For decades now, there has been less interest in nuclear power in favor of other alternatives. Radioactive waste issues and mishaps related to mostly human error persuaded many countries to back off on nuclear development. But comparing nuclear power to other energy solutions, there is little doubt that it’s our best alternative. This is especially true when it comes to thorium-based nuclear power. Not only are the waste issues much less concerning, but it is inherently safer. Thorium reactions are self-regulating and can be easily turned off when needed. This why thorium should be the future of nuclear power. And it’s also why nuclear power should be the future of energy.

In looking ahead several decades, it is likely other energy alternatives will emerge. Nuclear fusion is one of the more promising options, but it remains years away for it can provide global solutions. For this reason, we should be moving aggressively in a direction that supports thorium-based nuclear power development. It is the smart choice as well as the practical one when compared to other energy solutions. The future of nuclear power is now, and thorium offers the means by which this can be achieved.


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