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Enhancing Hollywood: AI and the Improvement of Entertainment

a star showing AI in entertainment

Artificial intelligence has been hailed as a major disruptor of just about every aspect of society, and it has made waves in industries like education, law, healthcare, and of course, content creation. But what may be less evident to many is the growing presence of AI in entertainment industries. The impact of AI in Hollywood is notable, and it has many in the entertainment industry worried, for AI could displace many jobs ranging from script writers to set designers. In fact, films are already being released that leverage AI’s abilities well beyond what was possible a few years ago. But as far as how far AI will go to augment the entertainment industry, it’s still anyone’s guess.

a dude and a robot talking AI in entertainment
In a variety of ways, there’s more and more AI in entertainment.

(How did the AI sector do in 2024? Read this Bold report card and find out.)

The opportunities for AI in entertainment productions like movies and scripts is tremendous. Depending on the level of talented oversight, AI could totally revamp how films are produced and even cast. But at present, the impact of AI in Hollywood is not as profound. In most instances, AI is being used to improve efficiencies and to save time. However, there will be a day when generative AI becomes a more powerful tool for creators. When this happens, those in the entertainment industry will have two choices. They can either adapt and embrace the change, or they can resist and likely find themselves on the outside. AI is without a doubt a turning point for Hollywood that will be ushering in a new era of entertainment.

Current AI Uses in Hollywood

One of the more impressive examples of AI in entertainment presently can be appreciated in a recent film release. Title “Here,” this movie stars Tom Hanks and Robin Wright and depicts the couple’s ups and downs over the course of their lifetime. Set in a single room in New Jersey, the film skips across their lifespans through trials and tribulations. And naturally, the film requires a transformation of both characters as they age from youth to old age. This is where generative AI comes into play. By creating a “digital mask,” the actors digitally transform on the screen. Using a large database of both actors’ prior films, camera angles, and lenses, AI creates age of the character desired. The impact of AI in Hollywood in this regard is notable, saving a bundle in make-up or in the hassle of casting multiple actors.

In this instance, the use of AI in entertainment for aging and de-aging is fairly straightforward. In fact, during the filming, there were two monitors with one showing the real video and the other demonstrating the AI version. This allowed the director and actors to see what would be projected, which allowed them to further refine their acting as needed. But this isn’t the only area of AI experimentation currently. The impact of AI in Hollywood is also exploring areas like stunt photography, reducing the need for expensive stunts and stunt personnel. Foreign language dubbing is another use of AI as is its use to avoid retakes. All of these uses save time and money. And for a film like Here, that meant spending about a quarter of what a typical Marvel movie cost.

a robot talking impact of AI in Hollywood
Thus far, the impact of AI in Hollywood has been minimal… but it’s growing.

A Looming Threat of Disruption

When it comes to AI in entertainment, there are two primary ways in which it is used. Generative AI, which is the creative side, can be used to generate scripts, screenplays, and even videos. The digital masks created by startup Metaphysics using AI is an example of this. However, the widespread use of generative AI has not yet happened. In this regard, the impact of AI in Hollywood is relatively modest. However, the other use of AI is referred to as agentic AI, which refers to its role as a support tool. For example, Callaia is an AI program that reads scripts and provides a summary of these along with potential theatrical patterns. This and other similar uses of AI in entertainment targets areas where AI can improve efficiencies. These uses will continue to advance as new opportunities are defined.

The bigger concern for many working in the entertainment industry relates to generative AI and its creative capacity. A major aspect of the Writers Guild of America strike involved securing some protections against job displacement from AI. If AI could effectively write scripts and screenplays, then many would be out of work. The same applies to those working in costume designs, set designs, cinematography, and more. It should be noted, however, that AI is far from simply using a prompt and creating these complexities. The fear in this regard is exaggerated at present since AI still requires a great deal of human input and oversight. But that doesn’t mean that trends are moving in this direction. And the impact of AI in Hollywood in these areas will eventually be significant at some point as well.

A Rocky Landscape to Come

someone taking in entertainment on their phone
Are you okay with AI being used to heighten the experience of the entertainment you enjoy?

Over the course of time, Hollywood has seen its fair share of industry disruptions. The camera established Hollywood as a source of major entertainment worldwide. But since, home videos, digital cameras, and CGI all caused the entertainment industry to readjust and regroup. When it comes to AI in entertainment, this will be the case again. But unlike prior advances in technologies, the impact of AI in Hollywood could be much greater and broader. This is why many in the industry are worried given the many unknowns surrounding AI currently.

While some level of concern is understandable, recognizing new opportunities is similarly worth one’s considerations. Like AI in other areas, AI in entertainment faces a number of major issues. These include copyright infringement, theft of proprietary content, and the unauthorized use of actors’ likenesses. Then, of course, there are the ongoing labor disputes over the impact of AI in Hollywood with the Writers Guild and others. All of these adjustments will take time to sort out, and AI still needs refinement and oversight. As such, this will provide time for those in the entertainment industry to adapt. Change is the one thing that’s inevitable, and AI will introduce plenty of it.


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