Through educational technology in teaching english, teachers and administrators have found new ways to support English language learners (ELL). The continuous search for ways to level the playing field for English language learners received a great boost from Google’s G Suite for Education and Microsoft’s OneNote.
Ed Tech for Language Learning
Education technology refers to the area of technology devoted to the development and application of software, hardware, and processes intended to promote education. It facilitates learning and the improvement of performance through the creation, use, and management of appropriate technological resources and processes.
Education technology has introduced a new way of learning that facilitates language learning. It is a common experience for ELL students to struggle as they assimilate to the new language, needing constant support from the teachers. Teachers help build the foundation skills for ELL students so they could grasp basic concepts in writing, reading, and speaking. Teachers use classic techniques like essay writing but are now incorporating digital media as an essential ELL classroom tool. The use of different instructional media allows teachers to concentrate on teaching while allowing students to access the learning process.
The use of technological tools, such as interactive notebooks with learning tools, specifically supports ELL students, making possible improvements in student engagement. Providing students with computers and tablets to practice their language learning increases their ability to acquire a new language. Their access to digital notebooks enabled them to integrate prior knowledge to in-depth learning experience. Educational technology can personalize learning for these students and allow them to learn the new language at their own pace.
In many ELL classrooms, students rely on tablets and computers to interact with various platforms. Students use different technological tools to display their knowledge of the new language.
Scope of Ed Tech
The scope of education has been significantly made broad by digital media. Educational technology boosts creativity, reading skills and metacognition. Students are able to collaborate on projects and engage with available technology to support them. Access to various technological tools, such as the cloud, make classroom presentations easy and convenient. Students can be more engaged when they share their creations with their classmates.
Boredom sets in when students feel the monotony of rote learning processes such as reading and answering questions. Monotony breaks when they use apps or online programs for reading comprehension. Installing different apps, such as Stackup, which can monitor reading, to school computers allow teachers to monitor the students’ progress. Other tech tools that can help ELL student improve their learning of a new language include StoryJumper, Read Naturally, Scientific Learning Fast for Word, MindPlay, and more.
The availability of various technological tools allows teachers to create more interactive lessons that will track the reading progress of the ELL students. The consistent use of tech educational tools in the classroom is a bold move and will be the future of teaching new languages to the students. This helps students with various learning preferences and paces of learning adapt to the use of technology while learning English.