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Evolving Brain-Computer Interfaces: An AI Can Now Read Your Mind

a photo of a man wearing a helmet with lighted bulbs, symbolizing the advancements in brain computer interface today

Not that long ago, many thought Elon Musk’s idea of a brain-computer interface was too futuristic. The ability to combine artificial intelligence with the human brain simply seemed outrageous. But interestingly, brain AI startups and innovators are growing significantly as of late. In fact, the entire brain-computer interface market is expected to approach $1.5 billion next year. And in recent years, the brain AI market has grown by more than 11 percent annually. Based on these trends, it is clear that Elon Musk’s concepts were not too farfetched.

cartoon of a robot painting the image from a woman's thoughts, symbolizing the advancements in brain AI solutions
Based on the trends in the brain AI market, how do evolving brain computer interfaces impact human lives in the long run?

While many companies are exploring brain AI solutions, one of the most impressive developments occurred recently. A Russian startup reported being able to reconstruct what a person sees simply by having them wear a wired cap. With the use of the wired cap as a brain-computer interface, images were recreated that closely mimicked images actually seen. Does this case mean that brain AI solutions are evolving faster than predicted? And if so, what does that mean for the future? These are questions certainly worth exploring.

How Neurobotics’ Brain-Computer Interface Works

The most impressive part of Neurobotics’ new brain AI system involves its ability to recreate brain images noninvasively. In essence, the subjects in their analysis simply wore a head device that was composed of many different wires and sensors. The cap can be compared to the wires one might wear during an electroencephalogram (EEG)—or brain wave test—but much more extensive. The subjects were then shown five short video clips involving different types of images. The computer utilizing artificial intelligence then analyzed the data and attempted to recreate the images.

After this initial part of the tests, the brain AI system then utilized noise cancellation strategies to determine “resting noise”. By determining this information, the brain-computer interface was then able to reconstruct images being seen moving forward. Not only were the images fairly well-detailed, but the researchers also identified the brain AI images with 90 percent accuracy. In essence, the brain-computer interface determined user images seen by analyzing a bunch of “squiggly lines” of data.

The Evolving Brain AI Market

In recent years, the brain AI market has clearly expanded. The specific areas where this market has grown the most include healthcare, gaming, and communications. And more importantly, noninvasive brain-computer interfaces are expanding at a most rapid pace. This fact is excellent news, especially for individuals who may benefit from such devices. Individuals who have had strokes or have injuries or a variety of cognitive and noncognitive disabilities stand to gain with brain AI solutions.

While these developments are promising, brain-computer interface innovations are not without controversy. For example, BrainCo recently introduced a brain-computer interface headband for students to monitor the latter’s attention. The device was employed in China in school settings, but many parents voiced their disagreement. Likewise, brain AI devices involving facial recognition is increasingly being used around the globe. Notably, these practices are increasingly raising concerns about privacy rights and surveillance.

Takeaways for Brain AI Solutions

The advancements of companies like Neurobotics highlight how fast the brain-computer interface field is moving. As brain AI technologies improve, it is quite probable that a rising number of new solutions will be available. Likewise, many of these new solutions may be noninvasive, which is very attractive in therapeutic areas. While issues such as privacy rights and AI safeguards need to be addressed, brain AI innovations offer significant hope. And with millions of VC funding pouring into these companies, such hopes may be fulfilled sooner rather than later.

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