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Hacker Hoodies, AI Detectors, and the Need for Innovations Against Innovations

An antitechnology solution is needed for surveillance.

It seems every other week or so some new technology is introduced that appears to be a game changer. For the last decade at least, the release of new technology innovations have been fast and furious. The latest includes the release of Open AI’s ChatGPT, the third-generation platform of AI content creation software. And as might be expected, this new software and others like it have been highly disruptive to many industries. Not only has it affected schools and publishers, but these AI bots are disrupting marketing and coding industries also. As a result, many businesses are seeking anti-technology solutions for these new developments.

A hacker devising antitechnology solutions.
Antitechnology solutions weren’t needed when technology wasn’t so advanced. But now… they’re needed.

(This Bold Business story was not written by an artificial intelligence.)

Of course, ChatGPT is the latest in a long line of new technology innovations that beg for anti-technology solutions. Despite the advanced opportunities many of these developments offer, they also introduce new challenges. Some of the most notable ones involve the protection of one’s privacy. Others pose threats to quality and integrity. It is these concerns that are driving the search for anti-technology solutions that ironically are grounded in technology themselves. Perhaps, this is the yin and yang of new technology innovations as they emerge over time. But it’s worth taking a look at where the current battlefield lies.

“We are getting an influx, a huge influx of customers who are saying, ‘We need help, we’re not sure what to do,’” – Patti West-Smith, Senior Director of Customer Engagement, Turnitin

The Demand for AI Content Detection

ChatGPT, Jasper, and other new AI chatbots have certainly wreaked havoc as of late. In academic settings, students are using the software for writing essays and even taking examinations. In the publishing industry, editors are being flooded with AI-generated manuscripts. And some hackers are even utilizing these chatbot’s code-writing abilities to streamline underground activities. Make no mistake that ChatGPT and others have tremendous potential in search and in content creation. But with these new technology innovations have come just as many concerns. This is why a call for anti-technology solutions are being requested.

(Generative AI can help a lot of students cheat on their homework–does that make it bad? Read more in this Bold story.)

In this regard, the types of anti-technology solutions being requested are those that can quickly and reliably detect AI-written content. The leader in this field, at least from an academic standpoint, has been Turnitin. The company is well established in the education sector in its ability to detect plagiarized materials. But admittedly, its efforts to detect AI content is new. In the coming months, the company expects to release its first version for schools and colleges to try. But it’s obvious that they are behind the 8-ball and are playing catch-up given the ChatGPT craze today. Plus, they are among several companies jockeying to develop the first and best anti-technology solutions in this field.

“The reason I put this out there is that I want people to be able to see this project and think, ‘Oh, right, these technologies are not infallible.’ There are ways that we can push back against them. We don’t just have to accept the status quo.” – Mac Pierce, Creator of the Camera Shy Hoodie

Combating Privacy-Related Innovations

One of the most noteworthy new technology innovations in recent years has been the field of identity detection and surveillance security. Infrared cameras are everywhere with a price affordability that few businesses would pass up. The added security benefits far outweigh the expense. But given their ubiquitous nature, many believe their presence is an invasion of personal privacy. As a result, some creative entrepreneurs have developed some pretty incredible anti-technology solutions. These not only include items that fool security cameras but also those that interfere with facial recognition software. In this regard, surveillance and monitoring technologies are not as secure as one might think.

new technology innovations like a surveillance camera
New technology innovations shouldn’t create a need for countermeasures, but here we are!

One individual committed to address these privacy issues is Mac Pierce, creator of the Camera Shy Hoodie. In essence, the hoodie is equipped with 12 infrared LED lights that can be triggered to operate in strobe mode. Because the lights are infrared, they cannot be seen by the human eye. And when in strobe mode, they interfere with infrared surveillance cameras, obscuring the image. As a result, the hoodie can be used to complete avoid many nighttime cameras that might otherwise expose identity. Of course, this defeats the intentions of many companies employing such cameras. But at the same time, it does provide the wearer with recognition privacy regardless of the situation.

Mac Pierce is not the only one seeking new technology innovations to combat technologies threatening privacy. In fashion, Cap_able is an Italian designer who recently introduced its Manifesto Collection. Its clothing has designs that have been generated by AI technology in an effort to devise anti-technology solutions to facial recognition. The designs, funny enough, actually fool facial recognition software to perceive the wearer as various animals. As a result, anyone who chooses to wear these designs can readily move about without their identity be revealed. Though certainly pricey, this provides another example of how technology can be used to fight technology.

Moving From Defense to Offense

Ongoing efforts are being made to improve privacy rights as it pertains to new technology innovations. The Data Privacy Working Group specifically is striving to require that all new smart devices be more transparent and abide by best practices. However, it remains to be seen if major technology companies will buy into these recommendations. At the same time, educators and businesses are trying to adapt and use new technology innovations to their advantage. But it’s clear that anti-technology solutions are needed to provide a necessary balance along the way. Understanding this, opportunities for new technologies to address recent innovations abound in current climates. While restrictions and limits should be imposed, it’s evident that more is needed. Industries and sectors must move away from a defensive posture to one that is more assertive. This is how new technology innovations can serve as effective antitechnology solutions moving forward.


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