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Menopausal Women–The Next Emerging Market?

women keen on the menopause treatment market

In the U.S., there are 50 million women who are over 51 years of age. Why is this important? Because this happens to also be the age where the vast majority of women develop menopause. In addition, there’s another 1.3 million women in the U.S. who reach menopause every year as well. To take things a little further, it is estimated that over a billion women will have menopausal symptoms by 2025. These are the kind of figures that are quite attractive when considering the business of menopause. Not only are existing companies in the menopause treatment market doing well. But so are innovative emerging concepts in the tourism industry committed to women’s health and wellness.

a women who's a prime candidate for the menopause treatment market
The menopause treatment market is growing–which means business opportunities within it are growing, too.

(Bold has been thinking about menopausal women as a potential market for a while–read up on it here.)

While the potential menopause treatment market looks appealing from a numbers perspective, historically few women seek care. Even today amidst greater transparency and candidness about menopausal symptoms, only a quarter consider treatment. This isn’t because their hot flashes, mood swings, and other complaints aren’t substantial. Instead, many women don’t know where to turn or believe their efforts are futile. It is true that menopause is inevitable, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t strategies to enhance one’s life. This is precisely what the business of menopause is looking to change. And some of these businesses are doing it rather indulgent ways.

The Menopause Experience

When it comes to the business of menopause care, there are a variety of complaints to address. Perhaps, the most well-known  symptom related to menopause are sudden waves of feeling excessively hot, known as hot flashes. It’s quite common now to see a variety of devices geared to alleviate these symptoms. USB-charged mini-fans that can attach to smartphones and rest on restaurant tables offer a perfect example. Others have mood swings that can severe enough to warrant medication treatment. Some also experience weight gain, prompting other strategies of care. This is the type of menopause treatment market that has been more mainstream as of late.

While these are the better-known symptoms of menopause, there are many others that deserve attention. And women are increasingly aware of these issues and being more willing to talk about them. For example, vaginal dryness, decreased libido, and other sexual side effects may be part of the menopause experience. Likewise, sleep disturbances with insomnia and fatigue are also common. Other potential complications of menopause may also include increased risks for heart disease and decreased bone density. When it comes to the menopause treatment market, these issues are just as important as hot flashes. And the business of menopause has been aggressively moving in this direction in recent years.

Today’s Menopause Treatment Market

A woman in the business of menopause
The business of menopause is growing.

The business of menopause has changed significantly in recent times. The stigma associated with menopause that previously kept many women from seeking care is now less. Access to health information via the Internet and social media has helped greatly in this regard. Likewise, healthcare shifts toward patient centric care and patient self-care has also raised awareness of menopausal issues. These trends have had a two-fold impact on the menopause treatment market. On the one hand, patient demand for effective care has increased as women have become empowered. Similarly providers, seeing the opportunities for higher value care, are asking about and encouraging care for menopausal complaints. Both now contribute to the $15.4 billion menopause treatment market.

These shifts in awareness and menopausal care are certainly positive in nature. But at the same time, there are many new therapies and interventions being offered that have not been well-studied. For example, facial masks, spa treatments, and even lymphatic therapies are offered at some menopause retreats. While these interventions help pamper those suffering from menopausal complaints, they likely have little long-term advantages. This is not true of every such retreat or program since some are more targeted in nature. Some provide nutritional guidance and fitness regimens to address weight gain and bone loss. Others offer supports and consultations to help with moodiness and sexual issues. It’s clear the business of menopause has changed, and it’s important to know which changes offer the greatest benefit.

A Boom in Menopause Retreats

While many primary care and gynecology providers have expanded their care of menopause, others have also entered the marketplace. Specifically, a number of tourist resorts have begun offering menopause retreats for women. These are not your everyday spas, however. Instead, these are comprehensive packages that are often all-inclusive, lasting anywhere from two-five days. Not everyone is the same, but many include yoga, fitness programs, nutrition classes, and meditation sessions. Notably, the cost of these retreats is significant, making them on the high side of the menopause treatment market. But this has been a lucrative direction in the business of menopause, and many such retreats now exist. The following are just a few of these types of resorts and retreats.

  • Raj Ayurveda Health Spa Menopause Program – Fairfield, Iowa

This five-day program involves a private wellness consultation as well as a take-home management plan. Interventions include Ayurvedic pulse assessment, herbal body treatments, yoga, meditation and nutritional education.

  • Kake Nona Wave Hotel Feisty Menopause Retreat – Orlando, Florida

Led by an orthopedic surgeon, this three-day retreat is focused on exercise and strengthening. In addition to fitness programs and nutritional education, the retreat also includes suspension yoga. This program is unique to the menopause treatment market with primary attention to bone health.

  • Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health – Stockbridge, Massachusetts

This three-day retreat boasts quite the title, which is “Unearthing the Wisdom of Menopause Rituals for Self-care and Discovery.” The key message is that menopause is inevitable and that acceptance and self-care are the best management strategies. This escape is more about social support, sharing, and lasting activities that help women cope with menopause.

  • Indagare Canyon Ranch Wise Women Retreat – Lenox, Massachusetts

As the name implies, this retreat addition celebrates certain aspects of menopause and aging. Led by an obstetrician-gynecologist, both private and group sessions are included. Morning activities include hiking, yoga, and meditation. Evening events offer cooking classes and other workshops. This retreat is also among the most expensive, demonstrating the potential for success in the business of menopause.

a bunch of older women working out
With more and more women reaching menopause, the market for related services and products grows.

A Growing Opportunity for Care

The business of menopause is not something that just launched this past year. Menopause programs and interventions have been growing for some time as has the femtech sector. But looking ahead, predictions suggest annual growth of the menopause treatment market will continue to advance by about 7%. This means by 2030, the global business of menopause will be worth $24.4 billion. Of course, not all the menopause treatments offered by these retreats have lasting effects. But they do teach women to express, share, and seek care for their issues. And they also encourage active engagement and investments in self-care. These are notable benefits of these new trends in addition to the business opportunities they offer.


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