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Clean Energy Tech: Only 3 Meet IEA Targets

Tree, blue sky, and solar panels represent clean energy

The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that only three clean energy technologies are on track to meeting the 2oC by 2025 target.

…the three technologies identified by the IEA as on track are electric vehicles, energy storage, and solar PV & onshore wind.

The IEA was founded in 1974 in the midst of the Middle East War. The original purpose was to establish cooperation among OECD member nations to develop energy security and energy-related policies beneficial to the member countries.  Since the agency’s inception, the mission has evolved to focus on ensuring “reliable, affordable, and clean energy among the 29 member countries and beyond.”

IEA Encourages Clean Energy Tech

The IEA monitors 26 clean energy sectors and technologies in their progress toward meeting the 2oC by 2025 target. This target is defined as “an energy system deployment pathway and an emissions trajectory consistent with at least a 50% chance of limiting the average global temperature increase to 2oC.” The 26 sectors and technologies cover a broad spectrum including energy sources and fuels, transportation, construction materials, infrastructure, industry, and consumer goods.

In May 2017, the agency released its annual report titled, ‘Tracking Clean Energy Progress’ (TCEP). Of the 26 monitored, the three technologies identified as on track are electric vehicles, energy storage, and solar PV & onshore wind. The agency notes improvement in 15 of the areas. Eight areas are labeled “not on track.”

The IEA report also includes recommendations for how each sector or technology can progress to meet the 2025 target. The IEA concludes that only 3 clean energy technologies were considered “Green” in 2016.

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