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Renewable Energy Microgrids — Possible Solution to our Energy Problems

a photo containing images of energy sources over a diagram of a network in connection to the development of renewable energy microgrids

For the future of humanity to survive, there is a need for a climate that will foster life. This statement means that we need to do something to stop global warming and climate change. And the only feasible way to stop and even reverse the process is to stop our dependence on fossil fuel. For us to accomplish this step, we will need to create a lot more carbon-free power. Then we will also need to connect this green energy to all of our energy uses, especially the transportation sector. Notably, things are looking good so far as the world, in general, has been made aware of carbon emission problems. In fact, the ozone layer is healing according to NASA s is great news. Such a fact means that the current movement towards renewable energy is slowly taking effect. However, for this case to become a permanent change, we need to ramp up on our efforts—most particularly, in renewable energy microgrids.

The Looming Problem

We all need a renewable grid, but that is not the only problem. Today’s modern society is very much dependent on computers and their ability to connect to the internet. This case means that we need a power grid that is reliable and always on so that these systems can always connect. At this point, power outages can literally cost lives, as our hospitals and security systems all rely on electricity.

The most common renewable sources of energy that we have at our disposal are wind and solar energy. Unfortunately, solar energy is not generated at night, and wind sources come and go with the weather. These are literary at Mother Nature’s whim. So it is up to us to play along with the fluctuating output of energy. However, as the recent hurricanes have proven, blackouts can still happen when the weather takes a turn for the extreme. These recent power outages show that we also need a sturdier power grid that can withstand the forces of nature or at least be easy to repair so that they can be up and running immediately. All of these factors combined means that this situation is actually a three-fold problem as we need a green, reliable and sturdy power grid. Surprisingly, the solution to this seemingly herculean task is the small and unassuming renewable energy microgrids.

Renewable Energy Microgrids — What is a microgrid?

The microgrid is literally just a small power grid. All a grid really needs is a power source, users, a connection, and some way to control the flow of power. These microgrids are small areas that are independent when it comes to electricity and do not need to connect to any larger grids to function.

While most renewable energy microgrids are still connected to the area’s main power grid, they have a switch that enables them to function on their own and isolate them from the larger grid. This fact means that in case of a blackout in the main grid, they can simply isolate themselves and keep their power running. Now, that’s a bold system where reliability meets renewability!

With that system in mind, a series of interconnected microgrids that all rely on renewable energy will be able to distribute power evenly throughout the entire grid but can isolate themselves to be self-sustaining when the need arises. Right now, most microgrids are literally small—meaning, they’re one-building setups that use diesel fuel such as a gas-powered generator inside hospitals. However, with enough technological advancements, the idea of aggregated renewable energy microgrids isn’t too far off.

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