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The 2024 Bold Business Medical Advancements Report Card

a doctor checking out the latest advances in medicine

Given the tremendous advances in science and technologies on recent years, it’s not surprising that major medical achievements have been accomplished. Many of the latest advances in medicine involve the use of gene-editing, 3D printing technologies, and AI-driven discoveries. These have ushered in new medications as well as medical devices in recent years. They have also introduced trends related to wearable devices, personalized medicine, and robotics. Understanding this, comprising the latest medical achievements in 2024 is challenging given the pace of change. But in an effort to highlight some of the most noteworthy ones, the following summarizes several of the latest advances in medicine. The list is by no means comprehensive but offers a perspective on the scope of incredible medical achievements in 2024.

(How did commercial real estate do in 2024? Check out this Bold Business report card.)

  • Advances in Xenotransplantation – Thousands of Americans die each year waiting for organ transplants due to a lack of matching donors, with the most common transplant procedure being the kidney transplant. Understanding this, one of the key medical achievements in 2024 has been in xenotransplantation, which involves an animal-to-human transplant. Healthcare experts at Massachusetts General Hospital successfully completed a swine kidney transplant this year. The pig donor kidney was genetically modified to enhance compatibility. And with advances in immunotherapies, the procedure has been a success. This along with pig heart transplant procedures represent some of the latest advances in medicine currently.
scientists considering the latest advances in medicine
How will the latest advances in medicine affect you and your health?
  • New Hypertension Medication Approval – Several medications have also been recently FDA-approved this year as part of the latest advances in medicine. Tryvio (aprocitentan) was one such drug, which is a new blood pressure treatment. In fact, Tryvio represents the first new type of blood pressure medication in nearly four decades. It works by blocking the endothelin receptor on blood vessels. Not only does this prevent blood vessel constriction but also reduces fluid retention. And because of its new mechanism of action, it’s ideal to use in combination with other hypertensive medications. It’s perfect for hard-to-treat high blood pressure cases, which makes it one of the significant medical achievements in 2024.
  • A Gene-Editing Breakthrough for Sickle Cell – In the U.S., about 100,000 people suffer from sickle cell disease. This is a condition where a genetic defect in red blood cells causes shape deformities that lead to blood clots. Treatments for sickle cell have been limited, and patients suffer pain, lifestyle constraints, and reduced life spans as a result. But one of the key medical achievements in 2024 brings new hope for these patients. Using CRIPSR gene-editing strategies, Vertex Pharmaceuticals has introduced Casgevy as a new option of care. This agent inactivates proteins that normally shut off the production of fetal hemoglobin, increasing its presence. And since fetal hemoglobin isn’t prone to sickling, patients have a marked drop in clotting risks. Though not a cure, it shows how CRISPR technologies are playing a role in the latest advances in medicine.
  • Neuro-Computer Interface Advances – While Elon Musk is still working on Neuralink, researchers at UC Davis are making real-life strides. As one of the most impressive medical achievements in 2024, they have implanted a brain chip allowing an ALS to communicate. The brain chip, placed in the left speech area of the brain, converts electrical signals to intended speech. In addition, the speech is produced via AI technologies using the patient’s prior voice. Consisting of 256 electrodes, this brain-computer interface is part of the latest advances in medicine involving digital technologies. Expect these breakthroughs to continue at record pace in years to come.
a microscope and medical achievements in 2024
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  • Skin Biopsy Screening for Parkinson’s Disease – For patients with more advanced Parkison’s Disease, clinical diagnosis is usually straightforward. But for those with more subtle complaints, this can be challenging. This is why one recent discovery also represents one of the important medical achievements in 2024. Specifically, researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess have developed a tiny punch skin biopsy diagnosing Parkinson’s with a 93% accuracy rate. The biopsy allows detection of a misfolded protein called alpha synuclein, which is present in nervous tissue in Parkinson’s. As one of the latest advances in medicine, this could facilitate early neurological disease detection, which will be vital with new therapies.
  • Pulse-Field Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation – One of the most common cardiac arrythmias is called atrial fibrillation. The condition places individuals at risk of stroke and other conditions, and treatment is required. While many take medications to control or prevent complications, others undergo heat ablation procedures. Unfortunately, these techniques often damage other tissue areas and have a low effectiveness rate. Now, however, one of the latest advances in medicine improves these problems. Pulse field ablation uses electrical pulses to open pores in cell membranes to result in cell death. As a result, it only affects targeted cardiac tissues, is shorter in treatment duration, and has better success. It also has fewer complications with remission rates as high as 66%. This definitely places it among the major medical achievements in 2024.
  • A New COPD Drug Approval – Notably, there has not been a novel medication for COPD released in a decade. But that changed with the medical achievements in 2024. The FDA approved Ohtuvayre this year, which is a new nebulizer treatment for COPD patients. It has more extensive effects by inhibiting two types of phosphodiesterase. This results not only reduced inflammation but dilation of small airways in the lung. Though only used for long-term use and more complex patients, it represents the latest advances in medicine for effective drug development.
a doctor and patient pondering stuff
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  • A Blood Test for Colon Cancer Screening – In the U.S., colon cancer remains a significant cause of mortality. It also is rising among adults under age 55 years. Screening measures exist, but they are less than ideal, resulting in less than half of needed screenings being performed. That may soon change based on new medical achievements in 2024. One of the latest advances in medicine involves the development of screening blood test for colon cancer. Developed by Guardant Health, this blood test has a detection rate of 83%. Though waiting FDA approval, this is expected along with subsequent insurance coverage of the test. Earlier detection through better screening could make a huge impact on cost and mortality rates.


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