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Bold Leader Spotlight: Dr. Steven Gundry, Founder Gundry MD

A graphic of the digestion system in a human

You might not immediately recognize the name Dr. Steven Gundry or the Dr. Gundry diet. But given the impact Dr. Gundry has made on healthcare and wellness in his career, you probably should. From innovative medical devices to minimally invasive surgery techniques, to revolutionary nutrition, Dr. Gundry has made a bold impact. By striving to change society for the better and championing change, he exemplifies the traits of bold leadership. In asking Dr. Gundry on how to be bold in leadership, he shares many insights.

As a cardiothoracic surgeon, Dr. Gundry’s leadership has influenced how modern healthcare is practiced. And a researcher and clinician, Dr. Steven Gundry has also provided new approaches in nutrition and wellness.

None of these achievements happened fortuitously but instead came about through decades of dedication and effort. And over the course of time, Dr. Steven Gundry’s bold leadership emerged.

The Dr. Gundry diet has helped improve the diet-knowledge of the world.
Anthony Robbins acknowledges the contributions of Dr. Gundy and his bold leadership.

How to Be a Bold Leader – Insatiable Curiosity and Questioning Convention

For most of us, conformity is accepted, and traditional ways are infrequently questioned. Dr. Gundry, however, chooses not to travel this path in his bold leadership approach. When asked how to be bold, Dr. Gundry insists that bold leaders should have an insatiable curiosity. This curiosity should, therefore, encourage them to inquire deeper. Simply because “things” have always been done one way does not mean they should be. Constantly asking the question, “What ought to be done,” offers new insights about how to be bold in any pursuit.

Dr. Steven Gundry has practiced what he preaches in this regard. His invention, the Medtronic Gundry Retrograde Cardioplegia Cannula, is one such example. This device is now an accepted standard for protecting the heart during open heart surgery from damage.

Likewise, the Dr. Gundry diet, based on his best-selling book, The Plant Paradox, challenges nutritional norms. The Dr. Gundry diet identified how some plants can actually undermine health rather than help it. Both approaches show Dr. Gundry’s innate curiosity and how to be as bold as a leader.

cartoon caricature of Steven Gundry, the doctor behind the Dr. Gundry diet, posing as the bold leader spotlight of the week
The Dr. Gundry Diet revolutionizes the health world.

Bold in Confidence, Bold in Others – Further Insights in How to Be Bold in Leadership

Dr. Gundry graduated from Yale University, cum laude. He was Alpha Omega Alpha at the Medicine College of Georgia. Also, he completed his general and thoracic surgery residency at the University of Michigan. In his 40-year career, Dr. Gundry has completed over 1,000 surgeries and patented life-saving medical technologies. Likewise, he has founded wellness centers, pursued international charitable services, and attained best-selling author status for the Dr. Gundry diet. It might be an understatement that a high level of confidence was required in Dr. Gundry’s “how to be bold” pursuits.

Bold leadership certainly requires strong self-confidence.  It also requires having confidence in others. This is a leadership lesson that Dr. Gundry learned from his father. Dr. Gundry’s father listened to others’ story because he believed in people. Likewise, Dr. Gundry does the same. Listening is the window to empathy, and empathy identifies people’s value and insights. Connecting with other people is a key facet in how to be bold as a leader.

Following a Passion for the Betterment of All

Throughout his extended career, Dr. Gundry has been passionate about the health and wellness of others. This has led him on charitable medical missions in China, India, and Zimbabwe. It also prompted the invention of several medical devices and discoveries related to adult and pediatric heart care. In addition, it led to the Dr. Gundry diet that discourages eating plants high in lectin due to detrimental gut health effects. His passion for improving health and quality of life in others reflects how to be bold in true leadership.

Alejandro Junger quoted
Dr. Gundry’s book “The Plant Paradox”, and the Dr. Gundry diet, has been praised by Dr. Alejandro Junger.

A major effort in this regard involves Dr. Gundry’s founding of The Center for Restorative Medicine. The mission of his center pursues nutraceutical and dietary strategies to reverse chronic diseases associated with aging. The Dr. Gundry diet has shown not only to markedly reverse and prevent heart disease. It has also shown profound abilities to cure autoimmune disorders or place them in remission. For Dr. Gundry, knowing how to be bold in leadership means following your passion for making others’ lives better.

The Dr. Steven Gundry Diet and Nutrition Insights – A Legacy of Leadership

As a cardiothoracic surgeon with several inventions, Dr. Steven Gundry has a number of legacies reflective of his bold leadership. These include the Gundry ministernotomy device, the Gundry Lateral Tunnel, and the Skoosh venous cannula. In fact, he has been called one of the fathers of robotic surgery based on his minimally invasive surgical contributions. But what is most notable is Dr. Gundry’s capacity to continually build on his knowledge for new pursuits.

Dr. Gundry is a bold leader.
Dr. Steven Gundry echoes the bold leadership of Nelson Mandela.

The Dr. Gundry diet embraces all he has learned and practiced over his multi-decade career in health. The discovery of the link between lectins and gut health, therefore, represents a pinnacle of Dr. Gundry’s lifelong leadership. Inquisitiveness, questioning norms, empathizing with others, and being confident are all important in how to be bold. But continuous learning is similarly important, and this is where Dr. Gundry truly excels. For those wondering how to be bold in leadership, Dr. Gundry’s life is a notable example.

To learn more about Dr. Gundry’s notable gut health work, read Bold Business’ exclusive interview with him.

The Dr. Gundry Diet can help maintain gut health.
To purchase your copy of The Plant Paradox, click the above picture.

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