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Who are the Top 10 Women in Private Equity?

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Since the early 1980s, there has been a rise in women in private equity. However, this hasn’t always been the case as it has always been an exclusive club for men. In fact, Bloomberg recently relayed a report that shows women, so far this year, account for only 18 percent of the private equity workforce. Plus, an even smaller 9.4 percent of female business leaders hold senior or chief level positions. Most women are found in junior-level positions in marketing or investor relations—more client-facing posts than decision-making roles. As a result, they are among the lower-paid individuals in these firms.

However, women are now becoming more visible in these male-dominated sectors. There are women in private equity who now occupy critical roles within their companies. These women are creating significant impacts on the companies they are part of.

They are influential decision-makers setting new trends, creating new innovations, and making differences in various fields. In honor of these women making a bold impact around the world, we list down today’s Top 10 Women in Private Equity.

A Bold Revolution for the Top 10 Women in Private Equity

Women in private equity still have a long way to go to achieve equality. They are still burdened by problems like lack of opportunities for recruitment, promotion, and decision-making. Nevertheless, these female business leaders from around the world are helping businesses—and other women—navigate the challenging world ahead. They are helping change the private equity landscape by assuming roles that were previously dominated by men. Notably, more women—even women of all colors—are now making more impactful decisions, changing perceptions, and creating significant changes in countless lives.

These women in private equity are also providing great mentorship opportunities for younger women to take on their chosen industries. Most importantly, they are female role models helping boldly and positively change the way the world sees women in business.


Women in private equity are still underrepresented – but the sector is starting to change

Private Equity’s Most Influential Women 2018

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